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Campus Cutie: Kayla Major

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.


Name: Kayla Major

Year: Junior

Major: Psychology

Birthday: March 16, 1993


UIC Life:

What are you involved in on campus? Phi Sigma Sigma and CPC Vice President

What do you love about UIC? “All the hawt boiz”

What do you dislike about UIC? The Starbucks in the library is not a real Starbucks.


Fun Facts:

If you had a theme song, what would it be? “Obviously 23 by Miley Cyrus. Think about it, that embodies my life.”

Favorite movie: Big Fish

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? “I’d like to be an operational psychologist for the CIA.”


Love Life:

Interested in: Men

Single or Taken: Single

Celebrity Crush(s): Ewan McGregor, Steve Carrell “Steve Carrell can get it any day, any time.”

Deal Breaker: Cargo shorts and smoke e-cigarettes

Deal Maker: Sense of humor “Obviously, they have to keep up with me…”

Dream Date: “So, first I would like to go to an all you can eat buffet and go ham. Then we can go into the first cool bar we see, with a live band, and get a few drinks. Then we would walk around the city and pop in where we see something cool happening, probably a few record stores. Then we can go back to my place and listen to some records and whatever happens will happen.”



Favorite thing about Halloween: “If you wear a costume to Chipotle you get a $2 burrito!”

Favorite scary movie: “The Shinning” and “It”

What are you being for Halloween? “I want to be Fifth Element but I don’t think anyone knows who it is.”

Favorite past Halloween costume: “I was bubbles, like actual bubbles…”

What’s your favorite way to scare someone? “I like to hide behind stuff and jump out in front of strangers and say ‘GOTCHA!’” 

Sydney is currently a junior at UIC. Apart from writing the Campus Celebrity column for HerCampus-UIC, she also serves as the Vice President in her sorority, Phi Sigma Sigma. As of now her major is undeclared, however she would like to major in marketing and finance. When she is not on campus, she is working at her internships, going to concerts, hanging out with friends, and enjoying life as it comes. In the future she hopes to go into some sort of public relations career, such as event planning, but also keeps her options open. Sydney works hard and tries to take advantage of as many opportunities that come her way!
UIC Contributor.