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Campus Cutie: Carolina Casillas

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.


Name: Carolina Casillas

Year: Junior

Hometown: Cicero, Chicago

Major: Biology

Birthday: August 7th, 1993

Heritage: Mexican


UIC Life

Local or Commuter?


What are you involved with on campus?

Rugby. (;

What is your favorite thing about UIC?

Young Liu

What is your least favorite thing about UIC?

Lame parties. -_- EVERYONE COMMUTES.


Fun Facts

Favorite place to eat?

Sushi o Sushi

If you were immortal for a day what would you do?

Haha! Ummm, I don’t really know. I guess it would depend on my mood. :P

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Working as a gynecologist.

Favorite movie?


Currently, what is your favorite song?

Dear boy by Avicii

Favorite quote?

“Whatever you do in life will be insignificant but it is very important that you do it because nobody else will.”

What is one interesting fact about you?

I play Rugby. :3




Love Life

Interested in:


Single or taken?


Who is your celebrity crush?

I’m stuck between Emma Watson and Joseph Gordon-Levitt

What is your deal-maker?

Someone who can make me laugh, and that works out.

What is your deal-breaker?

Small hands/feet= NO NO.

What would your dream date be like?

I’m a pretty simple person. If you can make me laugh you know it’ll be a great date. 

Young is currently a junior at University of Illinois at Chicago. She is studying psychology and economics and is still trying to figure out what exactly she wants to do in the future. She is a member of Phi Sigma Sigma, and is also a tutor for Chinese at the school. Outside of school she is a waitress at the most delicious sushi restaurant in the world, Sushi O Sushi. She has a passion for food, traveling, netflix, working out, sleeping, James Franco, wine, going out with friends, and writing for HerCampus.
UIC Contributor.