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Campus Celebrity- John Kryl

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

Meet Chicago native John Kryl, a musical prodigy. Kryl is a freshman music education major double majoring in vocal performance. He hopes to reflect his passion of music to the younger generation through teaching and performing.

HerCampusUIC: What got you into music? Tell us your first experience in music?

John Kryl:My Mom’s side of my family is very into music, so naturally I followed in their footsteps. I got my first guitar at age three, at which point my mom started to teach me how to play. At age 5, I was enrolled in The People’s Music School and began classical guitar training.

HerCampusUIC: You play piano, guitar and sing, right? How long have you been doing all of these?

John Kryl:Yes, those are my main instruments. Guitar I started at age three, singing began formally at around age 8 when I joined a choir, and piano I began only a few years ago when I started teaching myself.

HerCampusUIC: What is it that ignites your passion for music?

John Kryl:Music intrigues me for many reasons. It somehow connects everyone together and creates a sort of bond people can share. There are so many different types of music that no matter how long you have studied it, you can always learn more about it. Music is one of those things that you can grab and make your own. You can change it and modify it to something new and different, but then spread it and share it with the world.
HerCampusUIC: What kind of music are you into? Are there any artist styles you strive to emulate?

John Kryl:Since I was taught with it and am going into the field of music education, I enjoy classical music. There are so many different things you can do with it, and so many different styles in that one genre itself. But I also love soft rock, oldies, hip hop, rap, and many others. Some of my favorite groups/artists are The Beatles, Maroon 5, Jason Mraz, Frank Sinatra, Eminem and many more.

HerCampusUIC: Are there any music trends you dislike right now?

John Kryl:I wouldn’t say I dislike any trends. There are some that I wouldn’t go out of my way to listen to, such as country and techno, but even those I don’t mind.

HerCampusUIC: What is your ultimate career goal?

John Kryl:My ultimate goal for the future is undecided and will stay that way. I do have some goals, like teaching music in schools and spreading my knowledge and love of it, but I love to play my life by ear and just see where it takes me. I do want to perform, but as to what happens with that, only the future will tell.If I do end up for some reason deciding to change from music, I will always keep up with it. It is something I enjoy and am good at and will always stay as part of my life. As for what I would do, I would probably pursue a therapy of some kind, because I love working with, and helping out people.