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7 People You Saw Your First Week of School

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

It may seem like a blur with the new faces and the completely different agenda from our summer days, but here’s a recap of seven individuals you may have seen in your Chem class, on the sidewalk, or at Dunkin during your first week of class.

1. Roommate/Clustermates

More likely than not this was the first person, or people, you saw stepping onto campus. You’ll see them all day, every day whether you like seeing their 8 a.m. faces or not. A good relationship will include sharing some delicious Mariano’s cookies, recapping Pretty Little Liars for hours, and hooking each other up with jewelry.

2. Hated Professor

You’ve heard stories about the plethora of hours needed to get a decent grade in his/her class. The day has come when you have to painstakingly sit through lectures and hate not understanding anything. Future you will soon start up the cycle with expressing your distaste to next year’s victims.

3. Freshmen Overload

It seems like the popular answer when asking what grade someone is in is freshman. The other grades may even at some point feel like they’re the minority in school. This easy indication of freshman will die down, they’ll find their classes without circling around campus, learn the ins and outs of cafeteria food, and get the hang of how to deal with college stress.


4. Neighbors

Your neighbors, you didn’t pick them but you gotta live with them. It’s a very high possibility you heard their nail hammering and moving furniture noise before their own voice. The best advice would be to extend the olive branch to end up on good terms with them. An unwritten code of don’t snitch on each other is the goal. Plus, either on campus or off campus, many of them may even be in your class so that could be a luxury in the future.

5. Party Animal

They know the addresses that everyone wants on the weekends. Having this person as a connection will come in handy. You’ve seen this person a number of times and you may not even notice that he/she has been to all of the extracurricular activities until now.

6. New Close Friend

You definitely wish this person was in your life previously. This individual is your new go-to texter for hanging out along with your core group. This person can even potentially become a part of your group of friends if all goes well.


Summer killed without the random activities alongside your soulmate. But all is good now. The biggest hug was the first thing you both did before talking about the vacation tans, hair changes, and catching up. The world may continue again because the duo is back and ready for another year!

Irais is pursuing a marketing major at The University of Illinois at Chicago. Coming from the small country town of Harvard, Illinois, she knows there's a whole neighborhood left for her to explore. Checking off her bucket list activities is what she does in the afternoons and weekends when she’s not napping. She currently cherishes her vast music playlist, Netflix account, Pinterest boards, and her growing show collection of Chucks and wedges. Catch her trying to Penny board to class.
Erin is a Communication student at the University of Illinois at Chicago and the President and Editor-in-Chief of UIC's Her Campus chapter. On a daily basis, she can be found making excessive film references and getting overly emotional about superhero TV shows. She has a deep passion for writing, movies, music, good books, and great food, and will gladly talk your ear off about all of the above if prompted to do so.