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6 Tips to Stay Awake and Stress Free During Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

As the end of the semester nears, students are often found either trying to keep their eyes open during late nights cramming for finals or freaking out about last-minute projects and deadlines. Each person handles stress differently, but we have some tips that can help make this hectic and exhausting time of the year a bit better. Here are a few ways that can help you stay awake or manage stress:

  1. Drink Green Tea: With a plethora of antioxidants and countless other health benefits, a warm cup of green tea can only do you good. It has natural caffeine to help you stay awake and its temperature will help soothe you. It’s the best of both worlds!
  2. Take a break: Everyone needs a break. Plus, its generally everyone’s favorite time. Whether it comes in the form of a well-needed nap or indulging in your favorite reality TV show, simply getting your mind off what has been stressing you can do wonders for you. Take some time to read, draw, cook food, shop, or whatever may switch your mind off ‘work mode’ for awhile. 
  3. Listen to music: If you’re in need of a little less stress during a busy day, listen to some soft tunes to help soothe your nerves. If you find yourself falling asleep, listen to some upbeat music that will help jolt you back to life. Find music that can do this for you and you will have an easy way to help control your anxiety or sleepiness. 
  4. Eat: Certain foods have specific qualities that can naturally help you stay awake. Fresh fruit is healthy, delicious, and contains natural sugars that will do the job. Chocolate-covered espresso beans are also a good trick, but pack a more intense punch. Chewing gum can help keep you awake, too! 
  5. Exercise: Physical exertion also contains the best of both worlds. Do a little working out whenever you can to release endorphins, stay healthy, and keep yourself awake. A longer, more intense workout can also help tire out your muscles which can help you get a good night’s rest. Also, try meditating. It can help with relaxation and improve focus. You can find free tutorials on YouTube. 
  6. Talk to someone: Finding solace in a friend or family member that you can talk to can be just as beneficial for reducing stress as anything else. Just being able to talk about what has you anxious may reduce the amount of anxiety that you feel. Find someone that will support you, or someone who is going through a stressful time as well. You can talk each other away from getting too worked up about things. It definitely helps!

Whatever you may need, there are always foods, activities, and options out there for you to explore when you are feeling tired, anxious, or stressed. Find what works for you and help yourself get what you need to finish off the semester right! 

Campus: University of Illinois at Chicago Major: English with a concentration in Media, Rhetorical and Cultural Studies Minor: Psychology, Sociology Melissa is born and raised in Chicago. She started out at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign before coming to UIC.
Campus: University of Illinois at Chicago Major: English with a concentration in Media, Rhetorical and Cultural Studies Minor: Germanic Studies Status: Senior Jennifer is a born and raised Chicago girl passionate about her studies. She loves to help people all that she can and contribute to the betterment of others. Used to being on the go, Jennifer is enthusiastic about obtaining her degree and learning many different things along the way. She is interested in music, movies, reading, volunteering, and is a major Blackhawks fan. Her dream is obtain her degree and work with writing in a fashion that will reach out to people.
Claudia was born in Mexico and moved to Chicago at the age of 8. She is currently attending the University of Illinois at Chicago as a Marketing major. She is really excited to be a part of the HerCampus team and is ready to make HC grow at UIC. She can’t go a day without exercising and especially enjoys Zumba! She loves fashion and reads blogs every day, that’s where she gets her inspiration when she dresses, and hopes to one day have her own! Claudia is currently a representative for AKIRA Chicago, for discount codes contact her at (cmarti74@uic.edu). She strives to be a better person every day, and is really thankful for everything she has. One of Claudia’s favorite quotes is “Enjoy all that you have while you pursue everything that you want”.