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5 Tips You Need To Know About Rooming With Your BFF

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

People always say, “Don’t room with your best friend from high school.” Of course rooming with friends doesn’t always work out, but this is definitely avoidable. My first year of college went great living with my best friend. Here’s some tips!

1. You can’t room with all of your friends.

You have to face the facts – some people just aren’t compatible to live together. If you’re very organized and neat but your best friend is messy and disorganized, it probably won’t work. You’ll drive each other crazy even though it was unavoidable. If one of your friends is as organized and neat as you are, they might be a better option.

2. Be considerate.

If your roomie has a 9AM and you’re up at 3AM, turn off the tv. Do things with the other person in mind. One of the easiest ways to start an argument is to mess with their sleep!

3. Keep them in the loop.

Don’t ditch your bestie to hang out with your new friends from your art class. There’s no reason you can’t all go! Don’t let him/her feel like you’re leaving them behind.

4. Go out and have fun.

A big part of the college experience is experiencing new things. Even if you don’t always do it together, leave your place sometimes for some fresh air and a different environment. Sometimes being stuck in your room for long periods of time can make you more irritable. 

5. Remember why you’re best friends.

Maybe you’re irritated by each other. Your roommate keeps slurping her juice or using your blow dryer without your permission. Although this can be extremely annoying, remember the positive things about your relationship. This is the person that’s always there for you and always makes you laugh. Besides, you’re probably on the other end of it sometimes!


UIC Contributor.