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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

1.  The frigid weather drives your automatic decision to wear your winter boots with every outfit.

Rummaging up the best outfit in two minutes before your 9 a.m. can be totally ruined by the realization that you have to wear your bulky winter boots to class. Try switching up the look by pairing it with cute boot socks. Using waterproof spray on your other shoes can be a nice substitute that allows you to wear your favorite pair of shoes and still have dry socks to class during the nasty weather.

2.  Priority of food money over everything!

We want to go shopping, eat at fancy dinning establishments, drink overpriced latte beverages, and enjoy the love of the city activities. But shockingly we can’t because of a little thing called money and the lack of it. The few dollars we do have go towards stopping the stomach growling throughout the day. Instead of going to the Inner Circle everyday, hit Target with your roommate and stock up for a week. Split the bill and use the extra cash to go ice-skating at Daley Plaza. Get the best of both worlds!

3.  Laziness of working out

The idea of working out lingers in our heads every time we eat a brownie or use the elevator rather than go up a set of stairs. Sometimes the only problem is executing the activity of burning off calories. To gain motivation, get a workout buddy or group to set-up a schedule. Therefore, it’s harder to flake out on the treadmill if you made plans with your friends. Getting into a routine is the best way to stick with it. Going to a class also has that same effect; the UIC recreation center has plenty of those. For more information about drop-in classes visit: recreation.uic.edu

4.  Cramming for exams the night before

We shouldn’t do it, but we do. The Red Bull, stack of highlighted notes, and study music in the background from your laptop is the dreaded exam cram scene. No way to go back in time and wish you rather did intervals of studying than a marathon of Netflix.

To ease the pain, there are some tips to make the night go by more productively. First of all, attitude! Stay determined and on track, otherwise it’s pointless to put yourself through the stress if you’re not retaining any of the information. To do so, make a to-do list and study schedule to know when to take a study break between chapters and to get all the important information covered first. Another way to stay motivated is to have a study group. The key here is to have a good study group that’ll be beneficial and efficient to work with.

5.  Trying to master the perfect effortlessly messy look

Those constant snooze hitting mornings, sick days, and no motivation days happen all too often in college. There’s no way to escape them, but you can look a little bit more put together with a few minuscule adjustments. The effortless bun is an easy hairstyle to quickly check off your morning to do list. But when your hair isn’t having it, just braid it and call it a day. Complement your hairstyle with a pair of pearl studs. The magic of accessories is a wonderful thing.

Irais is pursuing a marketing major at The University of Illinois at Chicago. Coming from the small country town of Harvard, Illinois, she knows there's a whole neighborhood left for her to explore. Checking off her bucket list activities is what she does in the afternoons and weekends when she’s not napping. She currently cherishes her vast music playlist, Netflix account, Pinterest boards, and her growing show collection of Chucks and wedges. Catch her trying to Penny board to class.
Claudia was born in Mexico and moved to Chicago at the age of 8. She is currently attending the University of Illinois at Chicago as a Marketing major. She is really excited to be a part of the HerCampus team and is ready to make HC grow at UIC. She can’t go a day without exercising and especially enjoys Zumba! She loves fashion and reads blogs every day, that’s where she gets her inspiration when she dresses, and hopes to one day have her own! Claudia is currently a representative for AKIRA Chicago, for discount codes contact her at (cmarti74@uic.edu). She strives to be a better person every day, and is really thankful for everything she has. One of Claudia’s favorite quotes is “Enjoy all that you have while you pursue everything that you want”.