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4 Tips To Help You Stay Awake In Class

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

It’s that time in the semester when everyone is sleep deprived and stressed out but can’t afford to be dozing off in class. Here are a few tips on how to stop falling asleep in class.

1. Sit in the front 

It would be really awkward to fall asleep when you’re right in front of the professor. 

2.  Bring snacks

Treat class like an episode of something on Netflix. You’re not very likely to fall asleep if you’re munching on something. 

3. Wake up early

If you just rolled out of bed and into class, you won’t be fully awake. Give yourself some time and do something between waking up and showing up to class.

4. Pre-read before coming to class

When you pre-read the material before coming to class, you understand what’s going on a lot better and when you understand what’s going on, you’ll find it more interesting.

If all else fails, never underestimate the power of a cup of coffee.

I'm a Sophomore at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Currently I'm studying Computer Science and I'm very passionate about getting other girls to join me in STEM majors. In my free time I love exploring Chicago and finding new dessert and coffee shops. A few things I'm in love with include basketball, boneless wings, and Gilmore girls.
UIC Contributor.