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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

1.  Hot chocolate isn’t the same without pan de dulce

2.  Thinking/saying chanclas in the presence of sandals  

3.  Side comments/weird looks from your friends about your Spanish when you call home   

4.  People say you’re a feisty Latina

5.  Vicks VapoRub may or may not be in your medicine cabinet, thanks to your mom

6.  You miss your warm Mexican blanket with the eagle plastered in the center during the winter

7.  You have Valentina in your room

8.  You wish they had Tajin next to the fruit in the caf

9. You think your mom’s cooking deserves more hype than Chipotle

10. Taco Tuesday is a real disappoint in the caf

11. The thought of horchata melts your heart

12. You realize you’re lacking your dose of beans being away from home

13. You’ve needed to go home for a quince or some cousin’s birthday party

14. Flan, pastel de tres leches, fresas con crema, and churros were the desserts you grew up craving

15. Impressions of your mom yelling at you are prime funny stories

16. Your parents call/text you way too often asking if you’ve eaten and how you are 

17. The paletero at the quad always has your back when it comes to bringing back childhood memories

18. You know the Abuelita hot chocolate brand isn’t stingy on the chocolate. Abuelita does it right.    

19. Having no idea where to start when someone asks to name all of your cousins    

20. You end up showing your friends how to dance

Irais is pursuing a marketing major at The University of Illinois at Chicago. Coming from the small country town of Harvard, Illinois, she knows there's a whole neighborhood left for her to explore. Checking off her bucket list activities is what she does in the afternoons and weekends when she’s not napping. She currently cherishes her vast music playlist, Netflix account, Pinterest boards, and her growing show collection of Chucks and wedges. Catch her trying to Penny board to class.
Erin is a Communication student at the University of Illinois at Chicago and the President and Editor-in-Chief of UIC's Her Campus chapter. On a daily basis, she can be found making excessive film references and getting overly emotional about superhero TV shows. She has a deep passion for writing, movies, music, good books, and great food, and will gladly talk your ear off about all of the above if prompted to do so.