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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

The most televised event in America had some great moments from the intense TV staring late in the fourth to the multi-million dollar commercial campaigns and of course, the always highlighted halftime show. Here are some of the high and low points of Sunday’s event.

1.     Katy Perry’s Halftime Show was a flashback to Saturday morning cartoons.

2.      Missy Elliott was the throwback of the night.

3.     Expecting Snoop Dogg to be under the shark costume and start his verse for California Girls.


4.     These commercials have no correlation from the context to the brand they’re promoting.

5.     We all waited for the Puppy Budweiser commercial.


6.     Wait…that was a catch by Kearse?!?


7.     Richard Sherman’s reaction is the face I gave when looking out the window.

8.     Is this hockey or football right now?

9.     He’s for sure going to Disney World.

10.   The name Malcolm Butler will be remembered.

11.   This year’s commercials were really pulling on our emotional strings.

12.   Should have gone with Lynch. 

Irais is pursuing a marketing major at The University of Illinois at Chicago. Coming from the small country town of Harvard, Illinois, she knows there's a whole neighborhood left for her to explore. Checking off her bucket list activities is what she does in the afternoons and weekends when she’s not napping. She currently cherishes her vast music playlist, Netflix account, Pinterest boards, and her growing show collection of Chucks and wedges. Catch her trying to Penny board to class.
UIC Contributor.