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11 Problems Only Curly Girls Will Understand

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

Curly hair is a blessing and a curse. Of course, it looks fabulous. But with all that beauty comes some pain. Here are some things that only curly girls understand.

1. Straightening your hair takes practically all day

We have a lot of curls. And sometimes, they’re stubborn. This means that it takes forever to straighten our hair!

2. If it’s humid, you aren’t leaving the house

Do you want to see how big this gets?

3. You have major bedhead

Your hair can go in directions that you didn’t even know existed after a good night’s sleep.

4. The amount of money you spend on hair products

It seems that curly hair products cost a lot more. But they are life savers.

5. You can’t follow hair products’ directions

“Dime size amount” “Quarter size amount”

Do you know who you are talking to?

6. You don’t have a stylist

Or if you do, it took years to find them. It seems that salons don’t teach many stylists to manage curly hair.

7. Your hair is everywhere

One time I thought there was a bug on my floor but it was just a ball of my hair blowing in the wind.

8. You constantly break hair ties, bobby pins, and clips

Ugh, not again!

9. You are overly protective of your hair

No, you can’t touch it!

10. Combing your hair is a chore

There’s just so much

11. You also break combs and brushes

I’m so sorry, scalp!

Christiana is a Communications major with a minor in Sociology at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Originally from a very small town in central Illinois, she spends most of her time exploring the city. She enjoys live music, poetry, and cheesy indie comedies. Catch her around campus to talk about the latest in hip-hop releases.