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10 Reasons Why I Was Excited to Come Back to School

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

So maybe we have all enjoyed lying in bed until 1pm and staying up till 3am watching Netflix instead of scrambling to finish our homework but after a month of doing said activities I, for one, was (sort of) ready for a bit more structured schedule.

1. College Friends

As great as our home friends and family are, nothing beats hanging out with our college friends who have seen our craziest side and find it completely normal. College friendships are some of the strongest you will make. Who wouldn’t be excited to come back to these awesome people?

2. No more 2am FaceTime calls with your roommate hearing all of the drama second hand

Going back to college means cuddle sessions and hearing about the latest drama doesn’t have to be virtual.

3. Getting to watch something other than HGTV

As lovely as it is to spend some time with Mom and Dad, I, for one, am ready for something other than Flip or Flop and something more like Keeping up with the Kardashians.

4. No one judges you for your Netflix addictions

Please tell me I wasn’t the only one who spent multiple days watching episode after episode of my latest TV obsession… and when my parents got home from work to ask what I did that day, I hung my head in shame. In college, nobody judges you for said actions… they join in with you!

5. No one to ask where you are going and what you are doing

Sorry Mom and Dad, as much as I love you and appreciate your care, I am happy to be somewhere where I don’t have to announce where I am going and who will be there each time I leave the house.

6. A structured schedule

As much as I love to lie around doing nothing, after a few weeks I’m ready for a little more excitement and structure in my life… just not an extremely structured schedule.

7. Making that money

Since it’s winter break and a majority of us might work on campus, winter break means not as much/no work…which also means not as much/no money, the worst statement you have heard this year.

8. Getting yourself together (appearance/career)

I may be the only person to appreciate this, but spending weeks in my sweatpants and not doing a whole lot to advance my career/future makes me excited to get my life together. Don’t worry though, next week I’ll be back in class in my sweatpants.

9. All of your favorite food places and hangout spots

My hometown is the place with the most restaurants per capita but that doesn’t include some of my favorite campus restaurants. Nothing back home beats your favorite 3am pizza joint. Besides food places, at home I’ve lost my go to coffee-sipping place to hang out.

10. “Free” gym

I guess by this time in the year, we should try to fulfill our New Year resolution of making it to the gym more. Back at school our “free” gym doesn’t leave us with many excuses.

Overall, I am just excited to go back and live the college part of my life. College only lasts for a few years and during this time we meet a lot of our best friends and experience a lot of life. Distract yourself from the dread of classes and enjoy this semester of college! 

HiiI'm Lauren- Sophomore at UIC,  girl who hates science but aspires to be a nurse. Catch me on campus looking as basic as ever, coffe and planner in hand too.Oh and I am probably the sassiest person you'll ever meet.  
Erin is a Communication student at the University of Illinois at Chicago and the President and Editor-in-Chief of UIC's Her Campus chapter. On a daily basis, she can be found making excessive film references and getting overly emotional about superhero TV shows. She has a deep passion for writing, movies, music, good books, and great food, and will gladly talk your ear off about all of the above if prompted to do so.