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What Guys Really Wanted on Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

Whether we admit to it or not, Valentine’s Day is an overwhelmingly female-centered holiday. Men young and old probably paced their bedrooms on February 13th wondering what could possibly be the perfect present for their significant other that would set them apart from Valentine’s Days of the past. Everybody knows what women typically desire: jewelry, chocolate, and/or flowers. But what do the boys want? Could there be some deeply-buried secret about the male gifting realm that women have not yet discovered? Her Campus UGA took to the streets of Athens to pick the minds of our local men and learn what was desired from their Valentine, and the results are both surprising and typical.

Joseph H.: “It’s always going to be quality time. There’s nothing you can buy us or give us that will mean more than you spending the day and night with us. We just want to be around you and have a whole day where we can be together.”

Trey M.: “Well, I don’t actually want anything. I don’t enjoy receiving gifts all that much and I’d rather get them something anyway, so I guess if I wanted something, I’d want them to be happy, I suppose. That’s really more important to me than anything.”

Zach T.: “(Laughs), wow. I never really thought about it, I mean… I guess I’d just like her to cook for me. But we usually go out to eat anyway so…maybe a back rub. Massages are probably my favorite present.”

Alex M.: “Alcohol. That is all.”

Darnell J.: “I’d love if she dolled up for me to go out to dinner. Then I can just stare at her in the restaurant and show her off (laughs). But really MY gift on Valentine’s Day is surprising her with something super special that I know she will love. Sometimes that’s hard though, you ladies need to start telling us what you want!”

Clearly our men get most of their enjoyment from feeling like great boyfriends. They want to be appreciated by their ladies and recognized for the thought they put into the gifts they buy.  But hey, it can’t hurt to pick them up a bottle of their favorite whiskey or look up some massage tutorials on Youtube. 


Third-year student at UGA double majoring in Germanic & Slavic Languages and Communications Studies. I adore all things beauty and fashion and have been devouring magazines and beauty blogs for as long as I can remember. Language and culture are my passion and I hope to one day combine my interests into an exciting and fulfilling career!
Danielle is a senior at the University of Georgia majoring in English and minoring in Sociology. You can usually find her dividing her time between being Campus Correspondent of Her Campus UGA, binge-watching Grey's Anatomy on Netflix and daydreaming about being one of Beyonce's backup dancers. If you want to know more about Danielle, you can follow her on Instagram (@danielleknecole_) or Twitter (@DanielleKnecole).