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A Typical College Week as Told by Kim Kardashian

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

Weeks in college can sometimes all blur together. However, every week we never fail to feel these range of emotions. 

Monday: The most dreaded day of the week

People are just generally slower and sadder on Monday’s. We’re all tired from staying up late on Sunday and partying all weekend. We just try to power through this day the best we can. 

Tuesday: The second most dreaded day of the week

Tuesday is basically another Monday, except we’re one step closer to the weekend. For some of us, Tuesdays are even worse because we have those longer classes. 

Wednesday: Is the weekend here yet? 

Finally, we’re seeing some progress towards the weekend. Unoffically, it’s known as hump day and it’s the turning point of the week where things start looking up. 

Thursday: Basically Friday already 

By Thursday, do we even care about school anymore? We’re all too excited to go out that night and partake in thirsty Thursday and hang with the squad. 

Friday: More like Friyay 

Finally, it’s the weekend and we can relax. We just have to get through one more day of classes until we can do nothing for two whole days, 

Saturday: Time to get lit 

Saturday is the day filled with nothing followed by going out that night. Arguably the best night of the week.

Sunday: The day where you remember all the things you have to do 

When you wake up on Sunday, reality hits and you realize exactly how much you’ve been putting off all week. 

And we’ll do it all again next week! 

Erin Gilmore is a Georgia native, born and raised in Forsyth County. Since 2015, she has been attending The University of Georgia. She is majoring in Risk Management and Insurance and Advertising. She loves to learn new things and go on adventures with her friends. In her free time, she likes to hang out with her dogs, read and travel.