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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

Summer is coming, and what better of a way to enjoy it than to go hiking? Here are 5 ways to get the most out of your hiking experience!

Check the weather.

This one seems like a gimme, but trust your instincts! If the rain prediction is over 40%, you should probably go ahead and reschedule! Hiking is already a strenuous activity; if you add in rain there’s a whole new challenge. Not only are you now walking in wet clothing, you also have to watch your step. Mud and wet rocks create a slippery step for the hiker that’s not careful!

Bring an extra pair of socks.

Nothing is worse than walking with wet socks! Walking through dirt/mud, and possibly crossing streams proposes a threat for possibly getting your feet wet, an inconvenience that can ruin the entire rest of the hike! No worries, dry socks can save the day! You can consider socks to be the bare necessity! 

Eat some carbs!

Some people think that hiking on a lighter stomach is the best way to avoid nausea, but many sources say that protein and carbs are your best friend! Spoonuniversity.com suggests eggs, lean meats, nut butters, nutrition bars and even pasta are some of the best food to eat before hiking!

Water, water, water!

This tip may seem obvious as well; as much as one bottle of water may seem like enough, bring two just in case! Dehydration can not only put a damper on the hike, but can have several serious health risks. Stay safe, and stay hydrated!

Never go alone!

Not only is it safer to travel in groups, but it can also make the time fly by! Never underestimate the power of a good story during a long hike!


Sometimes, getting the motivation to go out and do things is more than difficult, but with preparation and company, hiking is a great option! Not only does it serve as a great bonding experience, but it’s also a great way to be active, and have fun doing it. 

All gifs courtesy of giphy.com, and thumbnail taken by Emma Blue.

I have a strong affinity for extremely sweet coffee, and dream to produce movies one day! My name is Holly and I am a Junior in Entertainment and Media Studies.