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Throw Me Something Mister: A Collegiette’s Take on Mardi Gras

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

How do I explain it? It’s a time for feasting and drinking. The air is thick with various smells of mouth-watering aromas. Street carts are parked everywhere selling all types of extravagant and not-so-extravagant items. Jazz music is bursting through speakers from all street corners. Children, and even women, sit atop the shoulders of male relatives and companions as flamboyant floats pass before them. Hands are held high, eagerly awaiting the chance to grab hold of the colorful beads that are worn proudly around the necks of Louisianians and visitors alike. The daiquiris are endless, the king cakes are the freshest, and the po’boys are more delicious than ever.

Yes, Mardi Gras is definitely a celebration that you don’t want miss. So maybe words aren’t enough to persuade you to come on down. Well, take a look at some visuals that might just force you to hop on the next flight out to New Orleans. 

Are you ready to collect some beads? We pile them on our necks until we’re sore. You know, just so we can show just how good we are at catching them. 

You absolutely cannot leave the celebration without enjoying one of these po’boys first….

….And a slice of delicious king cake!

Even the horses can’t resist partaking in a little Mardi Gras fun.

Oh, it gets real! Please remember to keep your phone charged. You DON’T want to get lost in this. 

If you’ve managed to lose the group you came with, take a quick break and stop by the nearest daiquiri shop. Alcohol or no alcohol, these beverages are awesome! 

If you could only miss one day of school for Mardi Gras, you would definitely use it for the day of the Zulu parades. We get wild. 

As you can tell, some of us really enjoy the sport of it all. Be prepared. 

Well, folks, we’re waiting on you! We cannot wait for you to be a part of this Louisianian experience!

Malarie is a junior at the University of Georgia, majoring in both English and Human Development and Family Sciences. She is a huge bookworm, and she hopes to work for a publishing company in the near future. Malarie loves eating the best foods, hunting for good music, traveling, and reading very very long books. Needless to say, you'll find that most of her articles center on her hobbies. Her goal, as a writer for Her Campus, is to amuse and inform all of her readers.
Danielle is a senior at the University of Georgia majoring in English and minoring in Sociology. You can usually find her dividing her time between being Campus Correspondent of Her Campus UGA, binge-watching Grey's Anatomy on Netflix and daydreaming about being one of Beyonce's backup dancers. If you want to know more about Danielle, you can follow her on Instagram (@danielleknecole_) or Twitter (@DanielleKnecole).