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The Struggles of Being a Social Media Addict

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

To say that social media is becoming a prevalent part of our generation would be a vast understatement; social media rules our generation, and I’m sad to say that I am yet another victim of the social media uprising. I sat down to write this article about an hour ago, yet I found myself on Facebook mindlessly scrolling through my news feed, watching every cat video that popped up, and now I have only just begun to type. How sad is that? I sat down to write an article about social media addiction and ended up getting distracted by social media. I assure you, the irony is not lost on me. But after spending more hours than I care to admit rotating from one social media app to another throughout my day, I found myself dealing with many highs and lows that wouldn’t even exist without social media. Below are just a few things that get your heartbeat racing, and get your blood pumping (whether good or bad) when you’re a social media addict:

Liking your crush’s Instagram pic from 78 weeks ago

When your crush likes your instagram pic from 78 weeks ago

Seeing your friend post pics from last night, even though she told you she was sick/studying

When your friends don’t like your Instagram pic

Getting more than 11 likes on a single Instagram pic

When your crush likes your new profile pic

When you gain a new follower that you’ve never met before

When you post a happy birthday status for your friend, but they only “like” the picture, and don’t comment

When your bff makes a “Happy Birthday” post for you on your special day

When you watch a funny video your friend shared, but you have to hold your laugh in because you’re on public transport and you don’t want to be judged

When you send your ugliest selfie to your best friend over snapchat, only to get the notification that they took a screen shot

When people air their dirty laundry, and you get a front row seat to the argument

When you look back at your old facebook statuses

When that annoying couple won’t stop postinp statuses about each other