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A Single Girl’s Survival Guide: 99 Problems but A Valentine Ain’t One

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

It’s almost February 14th, which means you’re probably making reservations for you and your boyfriend, finding the perfect outfit for your special dinner, and scouring to find your man a gift. Well for the rest of us (the single ones) we’re relaxing and hanging with our friends, spending our money on ourselves, and trying to figure out how to take our mind off of this dreaded holiday.

Valentine’s Day is a day all about love, happiness, and being extremely cheesy. But until last year, I wasn’t exactly sure how to enjoy this romantic holiday alone. If you’re anything like me, single, you’re extremely annoyed because you’re forced to watch the campus’s sappiest couples overdoing PDA, forced to watch your sorority sisters receive gifts from their long-distance boyfriends and forced to watch your roommate cuddle with their loved one. For me, it’s just another year without a Valentine. But who said not having a Valentine is a bad thing? Sure, it’s annoying and it can be depressing but that’s only because you have no clue how to spend “National Couples Day” alone. Fortunately, you don’t have to sit in your dorm room drowning in your tears on this dreaded holiday.

According to my classmates and friends, Valentine’s Day can take on many definitions. Ranging from “Single’s Awareness Day” to “A Corporate Conspiracy”, either way it’s an acknowledged holiday worldwide. However, for the lucky few that aren’t in relationships, we have a pessimistic view on the holiday. Don’t! Wear the boldest shades of red, the brightest shades of pink. Make your friends know that you are aware its Valentine’s Day and you’re perfectly fine with it. The best way to get over being alone on this day is to just be confident in yourself and where you are in your romantic life.

While some of you maybe crying on Valentine’s Day because you’re desperately single, suck it up. You’re young, beautiful and have a sea of boy for your choosing. I chose to enjoy the day by inviting my friends come together and enjoy the day by doing group activities. Instead of watching The Notebook for the hundredth time, make reservations at your favorite restaurant for you and your closest girlfriends and enjoy a night of fun in downtown Athens. But if you’re really lonely, consider planning something for the entire weekend to keep your mind off of things. Believe it or not, you don’t have to spend this day alone.

Although Valentine’s Day is the holiday for couples worldwide, if you’re single make it about yourself. Spend the money that you were going to waste on his gift, and splurge on yourself. Treat yourself to a day at the spa, the hair salon, or a shopping spree to some of Athens’s hottest boutiques. If you have a problem with Valentine’s Day, don’t lie in bed and complain about it, change the meaning. No one said Valentine’s Day had to revolve around guys. You don’t need a man to buy you chocolates and flowers. Buy them yourself. Nothing’s better than feeling a sense of independence!

Don’t let Valentine’s Day be a day where you reflect on your past, let it be a day where you celebrate the present and show yourself some love. Consider spending this day with your closest friends and avoid relationship conversation unless you’re comfortable with it. Avoid thinking about your ex and complaining about the entire day. Just try to stay positive as UGA’s sappiest couples pass you by and be genuinely happy for them. You never know, you could be in their shoes next year!

Sophia Fredericksen is a junior at University of Georgia studying magazine journalism. She has written for a wide variety of publications including Her Campus Ohio University, College Fashion, Thread Magazine, and JAYE magazine. Now she is the Editor of Her Campus UGA. In her free time she enjoys reading fashion magazines, playing dress up, taking pictures and trying new food. She hopes to one day write for a fashion magazine in either New York or LA.