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Rules of the Dating Game

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

No commitment, no strings attached; let’s call it what it is -playing the field. A phrase coined by egotistical males, we women need to embrace what men have been doing for years. One minute it’s a first date dinner, the next it’s deciding who’s place to stay at this weekend. Hold up, who said you wanted a relationship??

Landing yourself in a relationship can be more effortless than some girls make it out to be, especially when you aren’t trying. Use these guidelines to stay in the safe zone of single and free during the busy spring semester.


  •  Avoid spending too much time together. After meeting someone new it’s only natural to want to spend every minute together getting to know each other. Playing the field means taking things slow. To avoid getting too serious too fast, keep the dates down to once or twice a week. 
  • Don’t plan a wedding. Okay so you may not be the type of girl to plan a wedding on the first date (although fantasizing in your head is totally okay), but even using certain phrases like “We should go camping sometime!”, “Lets have a game night”, or “You’ll have to teach me how to play the guitar sometime.” can make promises for future dates you may not intend to write on your calendar. 


  • Free Saturday night?” Let me answer for you; you’ve got plans. Never be too available. Always let the guy contact you first. If he doesn’t, remember who is playing the field, you are, so move on to the next guy.


  • Set standards, lines you don’t want crossed. Don’t let a new guy put you in any sticky situation that makes you uncomfortable. Write your rules down if it helps, seriously! Don’t forget your values and settle for anything less. 

While you are out there picking up guys like a pro, remember to keep an open mind. Your not-so-usual type of guy might take you by surprise and teach you something new about yourself. You never know when you will meet a man who makes you want to stop playing and score.