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The Post-Spring Break Slump (As Told By 21 Jump Street)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

Since basically the dawn of time, spring break has been one of the most anticipated breaks for students across the nation. Yes, Thanksgiving and Winter break are wonderful, but there’s something about spring break. Something about the first taste of sun after months of the miserable cold weather. Though you know it’s only a week-long holiday, for some reason you feel like it’s going to last a lifetime, leaving your assignments and responsibilities in the dust. However, once that week is over, you suffer from a spring break-induced depression that only Mai Tais and beach time can fix, but instead you’re met with essays, exams, and thoughts of dropping out of school so you can have spring break forevaaaaaaaa (cue the creepy James Franco Spring Breakers voice).

1. Your tan begins to fade almost as soon as your week at the beach is over since your days are now spent in the MLC rather than laying in the sun, and now you look like the pasty kid you truly are, rather than the sun goddess you once were

2. You suddenly remember all of those assignments you neglected over the break, somehow convincing yourself that 3 essays and 2 projects could easily be tackled with an all-nighter… so you end up faking your way through the assignments, hoping what you lack in knowledge will be overshadowed by what you possess in confidence 

3. And everything you learned in your lectures before spring break seemed to slowly fade away with each reapplication of sunscreen…

4. You have to retrain yourself to wake up early since your 8am lecture waits for no one, leaving you tired and irrationally angry

5. Your Instagram posts get more and more boring, because honestly what’s more instagrammable than a majestic beach accompanied by an inspirational quote?

6. Your outfit choice that once involved cute bikinis and a plethora of crop-tops goes back to the traditional combo of Nike shorts and an oversized t-shirt… or whatever else isn’t thrown in a dirty heap on the floor

7. Your spring break playlist almost brings a tear to your eye, reminding you of the good ol’ days of last week when you once had freedom

8. But despite the crushing realization that spring break is over, you’re strangely okay with it since you get to be in Athens for the next 7 weeks, and honestly, what’s better than that?