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Molly Davis: Navy Conclave Co-Coordinator

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

Molly Davis has spent her senior year like any other UGA student. Taking exams, searching for a job, and planning for graduation have been consuming her semester. However, there’s one other thing this advertising major from Buford, GA has been up to, planning a weekend long convention for over 850 air force cadets from all around the country. As the Navy Conclave Co-Coordinator for Silver Wings at UGA, Molly has spent the year planning every aspect of the National Convention, from coordinating social events and daily activities to creating a registration site and contacting each individual attendee. The convention, being held in Atlanta over Easter Weekend, will come mere weeks before Molly’s graduation day. Talk about a busy schedule! Luckily, the busy coordinator took some time to sit down with Her Campus UGA and share what it’s like to be in the captain’s chair for a major event.


What Made You Get Involved With The Silver Wings Program?

Two of my uncles are retired air force and I love that this is a way I can support my country and community

What Have Been The Most Fun/Most Challenging Parts of Planning the National Convention?

Planning the national convention has been a world wind. The conference consists of business sessions along with four major events, the opening ceremony, the mixer at the World of Coke, the Air Force Association Luncheon, and the concluding Final Military Banquet. So the most challenging thing about planning this conference has been coordinating all of the thousands of moving parts, including working with the Hilton Atlanta, managing our $700,000 budget, working with our distinguished visitors, generating and planning for our 850 attendees, and coordinating our staff to achieve all of our goals and make sure everything is taken care of. The most fun part has been working with my staff, the various vendors, and our advisors to plan and coordinate the entire event!

What Is Your Favorite Thing About UGA?

The amazing people I have met throughout my college career and my day-to-day interaction with all of them!