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Logan Johnson: Wesley Intern

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

If you haven’t already, meet Logan Johnson! As a communication studies major from Hartwell, GA, this familiar face on campus is already giving back to his community. Not only an intern for Wesley, one of UGA’s largest campus ministries, he’s also heavily involved with The Sparrow’s Nest, a community mentor program, He does all these great things while maintaining a research and TA position, a part-time job, and numerous intramural sporting activities.

Logan got involved with Wesley because a lot of his friends were already involved.

“One day I just decided to show up, and I stuck around for a really long time.” Johnson said.

 It’s through Wesley that he got involved with the Sparrow’s Nest. The Sparrow’s Nest is a community outreach that involves tutoring and mentoring kids from the local schools in Athens, including Clarke middle and high school, as well as Cedar Shoals. But he doesn’t stop there. Logan is also involved with SWAT youth ministry, a TA for the Swahili department, researcher for the communication studies dept, involved with House Church, and working at Brett’s restaurant. Not to mention intramural basketball, soccer, and football.

At times when he’s not participating in one of the many campus activities listed above, you’ll likely find him playing basketball. When he’s not playing basketball, in his spare time he also enjoys spike ball and movies.

After graduating in December Logan plans to continue to intern at Wesley until May. After May his plans are unsure, but he may continue on to grad school here at UGA. On campus you can find Logan at Ramsey, Tate, or at Wesley on Wednesday nights!



Caroline is a first-year at the University of Georgia and is currently a pre-journalism major. She grew up in Istanbul, Turkey but also loves the city of Athens, Georgia. When she's not writing Caroline enjoys heart-to-hearts over coffee, spontaneous misadventures, dancing to whatever is on the radio, and posting on her own personal fashion blog. If you want to get to know her some more you can follow her on Twitter! @carolinerenee21
A student journalist at the University of Georgia, Brittini Ray has been writing for HCUGA since fall 2011. This past spring, she became the president of Her Campus UGA. Brittini also interns for zpolitics.com. She hopes to learn more about news and the journalsim industry.   Follow Brittini on Twitter