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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

On today’s college campus it can get confusing as to whether or not going out is actually a date. Ambiguous terms such as “hangout” when it’s a date don’t help matters. So, in a world of confusion over the issue, we’ve done some research around campus to get a little more input into what exactly a date is and when to tell if you’re on one.



While most college guys say that location and time of day make little difference as date-factors, guys were quick to point out that if he likes you, it’s probably a date. Take a hint. Look for flirting signs and trust your gut feeling. Most of the time, it’s right. They also concluded that the opposite was true. If you’ve been ‘Friend-zoned’, it’s not a date.


The “Date”

According to guys on campus, the purpose of a date is for the two of you to spend time together with an emphasis on each other. Is it about the two of you? Look for signs that he’s into you; watch his body language. Does he turn his whole body towards you to talk? Constant eye contact and the unconscious smile are two other components to look for. If he can’t wipe that stupid grin off his face, it’s likely a date. If you don’t notice the grin, it definitely is. Which brings us to our next point.

If you mutually leave the “friend-zone”, it’s a date. Whether or not the evening started out as a date, if you cross into relationship territory physically, it’s a date. It’s also important that the two of you don’t just go to the outing location together but there’s the expectation that you will leave together.


The After party

If afterwards you’re still unsure, it’s safe to assume that it wasn’t a date. Guys said they prefer to avoid the term ‘date’ when there’s any ambiguity. If you weren’t catching any signs of attraction, it’s a friend thing until further notice.

Read the signs. If you’re established friends, then it isn’t a date unless he clearly states that it is. If you just met, look for these hints. Still unsure? If he’s really into you, chances are he’ll ask you out again and things will get clearer.


Caroline is a first-year at the University of Georgia and is currently a pre-journalism major. She grew up in Istanbul, Turkey but also loves the city of Athens, Georgia. When she's not writing Caroline enjoys heart-to-hearts over coffee, spontaneous misadventures, dancing to whatever is on the radio, and posting on her own personal fashion blog. If you want to get to know her some more you can follow her on Twitter! @carolinerenee21
A student journalist at the University of Georgia, Brittini Ray has been writing for HCUGA since fall 2011. This past spring, she became the president of Her Campus UGA. Brittini also interns for zpolitics.com. She hopes to learn more about news and the journalsim industry.   Follow Brittini on Twitter