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How We Feel During Fall As Told By Friends

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

Many people agree that fall is their favorite season. There are so many emotions we feel throughout, and here they are as shown through the cult-classic, Friends.

September 22: The Official “First Day of Fall”

The annoyance you feel when everyone tries to tell you that September 22nd is officially fall but every time you step outside you instantly start sweating.

October 1st: The Real First Day of Fall

When you realize that cool weather is coming and now you can pull out the fall-scented candles you bought in August.

Fall Saturdays are for Football

The idea of Saturdays in Sanford Stadium without the brutal heat and sweating through your adorable game day outfits!


When you walk into a Halloween party thinking your costume is the most creative, only to find that their are three other people with the exact same costume.

The Aftermath of Halloween

So much candy… So little self-control…


Walking into Thanksgiving dinner after waiting patiently for hours to eat.

The Aftermath of Thanksgiving

That feeling when you have stuffed your face and you don’t think you could possibly eat another bite… until they bring out the dessert.

Coming Back from Thanksgiving Break

After a week of avoiding all responsibility, you walk into your first class back and your Professor asks if you studied for your exam that week.

Also Coming Back from Thanksgiving Break

Counting down the days until winter/Christmas Break while playing “All I Want for Christmas is You” on repeat.

Fall makes us feel a lot of things, but it’s still our favorite. Enjoy!

Anna was born and raised in Georgia and is studying Communications Studies at the University of Georgia. Her favorite shows include Glee, New Girl, and Friends! After college, she hopes to move to New York and work in Public Relations or Event Planning. She loves to travel, write, and hang out with her friends.