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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

One of the best parts about arriving for your freshman year of college is being able to make new friends almost every day. But after the first few weeks of instant friendship wear off, what’s a freshman to do? Or worse, when you’re a second, third, or fourth year, everyone seems like they have an established friend group. But don’t panic! In college, there’s always time to make more friends. Follow these tips and you’ll be well on your way to expanding your social circle. 

In Your Classes

In every class, you need at least one person you can text with a homework question or when you miss class because you’re stuck in bed sick. Just turn to the person next to you and introduce yourself! With some luck, this person can evolve into the person you grab lunch with before class or roll your eyes at when the professor says something weird.

On Your Hall

You know that girl you always run into while brushing your teeth in the morning or taking your makeup off at night? Ask her if she wants to grab breakfast with you before class one day. If you’re running into each other all the time, you’re probably on a similar schedule, so make the most of it! Soon, you’ll discover you have way more in common than simply living on the same hall.

In The Dining Halls

Sure, maybe it was easier the first few weeks, but it’s never too late to find someone new to sit with in the dining hall. Compliment the girl you’re waiting with in the pasta line, or say hi to the person making your sandwich. If you’re feeling really ambitious, sit down with a stranger! To make things easier, bring a friend with you and you can meet some new people together.

In Clubs and Organizations

Finding something in common is the easiest way to make a friend, and when you’re in a club together, that’s already been done for you! Whether it’s a service organization, cultural club, or just an interesting activity, try to bond with your new built-in companions as much as possible. After a few meetings, see if the group you’ve been chatting with wants to hit the dining hall for some ice cream after a meeting! If nothing else, you’ll be able to talk about the interest you all share. 

Friends of Friends of Friends

This is one of the absolute best ways to make friends in college. Ask your roommate if she can introduce you to her awesome lab partner, or see if your bestie from high school can invite you to dinner with the girls on her hall. If just a handful of your current friends help you meet someone new, you’re almost guaranteed to find someone cool to add to your crew.

When in Doubt…Smile!

Even if this doesn’t actually start a conversation or a friendship, smiling at people you pass on the sidewalk or in buildings is great practice for the times when it’s easier to start a friendship. That being said, don’t doubt the power of a friendly smile and a hello! My first night of college I smiled at the girl standing next to me at a crosswalk, and six weeks later, we’re still friends. 

Kendall is pursuing a bachelors in journalism and a masters in emerging media in at the University of Georgia. After joining Her Campus UGA in the fall of 2015, she became one of the team's Campus Correspondents in fall 2016. During this time, HC UGA has flourished, moving from the Bronze level all the way to Pink, and it has been selected for national partnerships including the Her Campus Tour in 2018. Kendall hopes to someday work in the intersection of technology and journalism, and she adores books, travel, volunteering, and the color teal.