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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

Spring break is right around the corner, and guess where everyone is headed – the beach! It’s time to hit the gym and the tanning bed to get that perfect beach bod every girl dreams of showing off. But wait, isn’t there some place to go besides PCB or Daytona? Well, pack your bags with clothes other than a bathing suit because here are a few alternatives to those overrated beach trips.

1. A road trip…anywhere!

Road trips call for an awesome bonding time with the girls, and pretty exciting adventures as well. They can be spontaneous and take you to the cutest, quaintest little towns you’d never even thought of traveling to! Instead of spending time in one place, you’ll get the experience of visiting many. Just make sure to have plenty of gas money and good music for however long your car ride takes.

2. Cruising

Taking a cruise gives you the best of both worlds – traveling to several places and the hot, sandy beach for relaxing. Plus, cruises are all inclusive! Your meals and accommodations are covered upfront. Sure, excursions cost extra, but there’s plenty to see and do on the islands for free.

3. Take trip to the mountains

Mountain trips are the perfect alternative to beach trips – still calming, yet more exhilarating at the same time. You can get a super comfy cabin in the Smoky Mountains, or head over to North Carolina to visit the mountains and even do some camping. Remember to pack your hiking boots and jackets in case it gets chilly up there on top of the world.

Disney fanatic and liberty lover. Go Dawgs!