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How To Be Tan During Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

As the summer approaches we all find ourselves needing that one summertime essential – a tan! Unfortunately, summer comes along with finals – meaning we have zero time to work on our skin tones. Some of us have mastered the art of studying by the pool, but it’s not always easy to focus on the books when water and friends surround us. So, for the non-multitaskers out there, here are a few solutions to get a tan in without the time.
First, let me mention the value of actually getting out into the sun instead of hitting up the tanning bed. No matter what the ridiculously bronzed lady at the front desk tells you, tanning beds are not safe! Research has shown that frequent tanning bed users are four times more likely to develop melanoma (the deadliest form of skin cancer) than those who tan outdoors. Rest in peace knowing that in ten years that lady in front of you will be going to the dermatologist with unsightly and dangerous sun spots while your relax with your still young and beautiful skin.
So, to help with those finals week tanning issues, here are a few quick fixes I have found to be effective.
Tan Towel – Unlike many self-tanners, Tan Towel towelettes don’t leave your skin orange or streaky. It only takes about three or four minutes to use, and color shows up within a few hours. What I love about this product is it fades slowly rather than peeling off in weird spots like some tanners do. They have an array of products ranging from about $20-$30 that can be found at stores like Sephora.

Jergens Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer – For those looking for something a little less pricey, try grabbing some Jergens for $7-$8 from the nearest Publix or CVS. This gradual tanner/lotion goes on quick and comes in different levels to match your skin tone. Keep in mind while using that this is still a self-tanner – don’t be stupid about it! Make sure to spread it evenly across all parts of your body and avoid showering for at least four hours so it can set in.
Summer Glow Daily Moisturizer – If you’re looking for something even cheaper go for Kroger’s Summer Glow. I know many of us are hesitant to go for a Kroger brand because it sounds cheap, but I’ve honestly tried everything in the book and this $5 product works much better than a lot of the expensive self-tanners I’ve tried. Just like Jergens, make sure you spread it on evenly and avoid areas where it can build up awkwardly like your toes and your elbows.
So, tan-lovers, go onward and dominate those finals with beautiful cancer-free tans. And when school finally subsides, get your butt out by the pool!