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Wellness > Sex + Relationships

Here is Your Sign That You Need to Move On

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

It’s time to get over them.

You know how I know? I didn’t mention their name, but they were the first person that came to your head. Maybe it was the last person you broke up with, or even the one before. You could have thought about the first person who ever dumped you… or the fifth. Maybe your mind went to that really intense crush that you’ve had for the past year that, no matter how hard you may try, has yet to go anywhere. Regardless of who it was, you were quick to picture a face in your head. Odds are, it’s a face that shows up there often.

Right now, you’re taken. Not in the sense that you’re with the person you want, but instead because you’re not emotionally available for anyone else. And it’s time to break things off.

You subconsciously know it, too. You know that you need to stop thinking about them, but you haven’t been able to. Or maybe you haven’t been trying. In any case, in the darkest crevice of your heart you know you’d be so much happier if you weren’t spending so much time still vying for them. You’ve spent so much time beating yourself over what could have been or what once was. So many nights have ended with you laying by yourself, reminiscing on the memories. They’ve even found a way to worm themselves into your dreams. It’s as though you’re caught in a never ending cycle of torture, but it feels like the complete opposite because you want nothing more than to think of them.

You find yourself taking second glances at certain people that walk by. Same height, same hair, same shirt. Everyone seems to resemble them. Or maybe you just want to see them so badly that you see parts of them in everyone you come across. You hear their voice in strangers’ as they walk by on the phone. You see them in everything you do. Even with them no longer being in your life, they are the biggest part of it. You talk about them like they’re yours. Whether they once were, or never have been. And truthfully, it might have been a while since you last spoke.

Maybe you’ve tried to meet people but haven’t been able to because there’s someone else still rooted so deeply in the back of your heart. Or it feels as though no one compares to what you could have had. So instead of allowing yourself the chance to move forward and reach out for a new opportunity at love, you’ve been locking your heart away.

You’ve been waiting for a sign. This is it.

It’s time for you to move on. It’s okay if it takes some time, but you need to start. Let yourself cry. Let yourself let go. Begin thinking with the mindset that it wasn’t meant to be. It’s okay to be sad. You’re essentially going through another heartbreak, but this time with yourself. You just haven’t been able to believe that it was really happening until now.

There’s no point in putting yourself through any more pain. It takes energy and time to constantly fill your mind with regret and remorse. Let yourself breathe. What is done is done. It’s time to release all of the built up pain and anger. It’s time to let go of your past relationships and allow yourself the opportunity to fully move on and see what else the world has to offer.

Somewhere out there is your person. Maybe they’re caught up on someone else right now. Maybe they’re learning to forgive, or forget someone that was once everything to them. But no matter what, they, too, are out there waiting to meet you. Or maybe they’re someone who’s always been there, just waiting for you to finally realize they exist. Whatever it is, they’re out there, and you need to be able to move on so you can have that chance that you deserve.

Your forever is waiting for you, and odds are, it isn’t the person you’ve wasted so much time missing. And who knows, maybe your person is just as lost, heartbroken, and confused as much as you are. But nonetheless, they’re out there. I promise. The universe is looking out for you. So take a chance, and move past them. You deserve to be happy. 

Hannah is currently a Fisheries & Wildlife major pursuing a certificate in Environmental Education. When she's not writing for Her Campus, she can usually be found watching TikToks or looking at animals somewhere.