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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

Name: Eric Refour

Year: Junior

Major: Double majoring in Mathematics and Computer Systems Engineering

Hometown: Decatur, GA

Relationship Status: Single

Interests: Music, movies, sports, traveling, and spending time with family and friends.

Future Aspirations: Attending graduate school in pursuit of a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering and becoming successful in my career.

Favorite Quote: “You don’t stop when you are tired, you stop when your work is accomplished.” – Unknown

Favorite UGA Memory: Having a huge snowball fight with friends during a snow storm during spring semester 2010.

Random Fact: I love watching Family Feud and Golden Girls with my grandmother Doris.

Sophia Fredericksen is a junior at University of Georgia studying magazine journalism. She has written for a wide variety of publications including Her Campus Ohio University, College Fashion, Thread Magazine, and JAYE magazine. Now she is the Editor of Her Campus UGA. In her free time she enjoys reading fashion magazines, playing dress up, taking pictures and trying new food. She hopes to one day write for a fashion magazine in either New York or LA.