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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

Every once in a while, everyone gets bored. You’ve already spent hours scrolling on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, and there’s nothing new out on Netflix, but you really aren’t in the mood to leave your home. Here are 11 random websites to help!


Have you ever watched The Bachelor? This is exactly like that but with rats. You play as a rat looking for love, and you just might find it in one of the 21 ratchelors. It’s a very lighthearted game that will definitely help curb your boredom even if just for a little while!


Are you really bored? This website will take you to useless websites with the push of a button. Some of the websites it takes you to are interactive, and others are just weird things to look at. No matter what website it takes you to I can guarantee you that it will be useless.


Feeling artsy? This website allows you to create sand art. That’s it! It’s simple but very relaxing to place the sand and see the art you can create!


Do you like reading? This website recommends books around books or authors that you already love! It also allows you to search by subject, but I prefer to search using a book I really enjoyed, so it can recommend something more specific and similar to my preferences.    


Feeling stressed? Pixel Thoughts is a 60 second meditation tool where you put one of your stressful thoughts in a star, and you watch as it slowly disappears. I’ve personally found it very calming in the past, and it’s a good reminder that most of the things causing you stress won’t matter in the long run. 


Want to listen to something? This website gives you access to radio stations all around the world! You never know what radio talk show or music station you might stumble upon! I thought it was especially cool if you’re learning a second language and want to practice your listening and comprehension skills!


Want to play a game? This website lets you play pictionary with a neural network that is actively learning to better recognize drawings the more people play! 


Tired of looking out your window? Look out someone else’s. Window-Swap randomly shows you the view outside someone’s window anywhere in the world! Don’t like the view? Just change it and look out a different window. 


Looking to discover new music? This website has a white background with a wide variety of music genres you’ve probably never even heard of. Just click on one of the song genres, and it will start playing a song that fits within it. If you like the vibe, you can click on the arrow and it will take you to artists that fall within that artist. Get ready to have tons of new artists to listen to!


Don’t feel like sorting through the previous website to find new music? Just put a song you really like into this website, and it will give you a Spotify playlist with similar songs to listen to!


Want to go for a drive but don’t want to leave the house? This website will take you on a drive in different cities around the world! You can turn on the radio or even listen to the sounds of the city you’re in.

Time to cure that boredom!

I am a CMSD major and Spanish minor at the University of Georgia.