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Why You Should Experience a Summer Romance

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

Grease is a beloved musical to people all over the world. Whether you are in love with the sing-along musical aspect or in love with Sandy and Danny, this summer romance is one for the ages. Magazines, TV shows and movies all have have shown stories and episodes of summer romances between characters. People love watching these movies and feeling the joy as the characters fall in love and feel the heartbreak as the summer comes to a close, forcing the characters to say their goodbyes. Summer romances don’t just exist in movies; they also exist in real life. Whether in your hometown, still in your college town or in a new city, maybe you should give a summer romance a try, and we’ve got some pretty good reasons why.

It will be an adventure: Love is an adventure and the summer is a good time to experience that adventure. Relationships are full of ups and downs as well as exhilarating, exciting feelings and emotions. This is a time to forget past relationships and angry feelings towards others—a time to be open to new things and become adventurous and spontaneous.

You can live in the moment: Summer is the time to open up your heart and live each and every moment to its fullest. Summer with a new relationship is the time to let all stress go and enjoy every moment that you are given. Living in the moment is great for a summer relationship because time is bound to quickly fly by. You can accomplish so much and have so much fun in a relationship when you are not stressing about the future.

You have plenty of time: During the school year with studying, club functions and school events, there isn’t much time to spend on a relationship. In the summertime though, you have months of time to spend doing whatever you’d like to. You can explore places that you’ve never seen before and try new things you’ve never tried before. Relationships can lead to spontaneity so do something new! Go cliff diving, skydiving or bungee jumping. Let that adrenaline rush mixed with your feelings toward a new guy help you have the courage to do something crazy and outside the box.

You can travel: Without the stress of classes or missing exams, summertime is the perfect time to travel around with your summer romance. You can travel to new cities or even countries during your weeks off from studying. Traveling is fun with someone you care about because you’re both still in a “honeymoon stage” where everything is new, fun and exciting when you’re together.

Why not have a summer that you’ll remember forever? Why not spend it with someone you’ll remember forever? Why not take a chance for once and see where the endless possibilities lead you? A summer romance leads to tons of “why nots?” This is your chance to have the time of your life, so say “why not?” and have a summer that you’ll never forget! Whether or not you’ve experienced a summer romance before, it’s definitely a bucket list item that you should give a try. Who knows… maybe you’ll end up like Sandy and Danny with a summer romance that turns into more!

Photo credit: popsugar.com

Hey I'm Spencer! I'm a senior journalism major with a leadership minor here at UF. I love traveling to different countries, running half marathons and spending time with my friends. This past summer I had two pr and marketing internships in NYC with fashion labels JOVANI and REISS. I'll be graduating and moving back to NYC this December.