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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

Nowadays, getting your nails done is an expression of art. 

Everywhere you glance, there are different shades of fingertips — vibrant, pale and everything in between. Maybe you’ve never given it much thought, but isn’t it pretty to think that each nail color says something about its wearer? 

I’ve taken the time to share my take on nail color. The following interpretations are a mix of instinct and color psychology — as well as personal experience.

So, without further ado: What does your nail color say about you?


The lighter shades of pink communicate innocence and playfulness, as well as youth and gentleness. A deeper hue adds in an exciting element, giving a glimpse of a more vibrant, wilder side. 

If you choose light pink, you want to feel delicate, soft, feminine. I imagine frilly dresses, bouquets of flowers and the earlier Taylor Swift albums. 

If you pick dark pink, you want to feel hot. Think high heels, bright lipstick, the party scene and club music. 


This color screams passion. I always associate red with love, and not just in a Valentine’s Day kind of way. Red is both love and lust. It’s sexy yet romantic. 

If you’re wearing red nails, you’re romanticizing life. You’re also confident, mature and elegant. When I think red, I see a montage of my favorite romance novels — the scenes where all the tension builds. I think of all the red objects that are romantic (for no other reason than for them being red): red lipstick, red roses, red wine, red nails


Bright, fun, youthful. Orange is energizing, in a sense. Wearing orange is basically the same thing as wearing a huge, toothy smile. 

If you have orange nails, you’re seemingly happy. You’re probably in a good mood most of the time and have a fun, high-energy side to you. Orange reminds me of the way the sun shines when it’s highest in the sky. Orange is the kind of color that makes you forget that sad things exist. 


I give yellow a similar analysis as orange: it communicates positivity, happiness and optimism. On the contrary to orange, yellow is a softer kind of happy. Orange is pure summer, but yellow is spring and summer mixed into one. 

Yellow nails give the impression that you’re friendly, lively and simply nice. Think: “Sunflower, Vol. 6” by Harry Styles. Also, “Sweet Caroline” by Neil Diamond and “Here Comes the Sun” by The Beatles.  


Green is one of those colors that varies deeply by shade. Still, every form of green has that same calming effect. I just think of laying on the grass, beneath the trees, a soft breeze in my hair. Green is nature, and nature is soothing. 

If you choose green nails, you’re calm — maybe even quiet on the outside. Inside, you could be artistic, in a very nature-centered kind of way. You’re down-to-earth, genuine and make others feel good about themselves. You remind people of cafe jazz music, but also camping trips and walks in the park. 


Have you ever thought about how many different kinds of blue there are? Blue skies, blue oceans, blue tears. In one sense, blue is calming like green. In another, it signifies vibrancy. Light blue is like water: clean, calm, cool. Medium blues are lively and electric. Dark blue communicates strength, reliability and confidence. 

Overall, though, blue nails are classic. They match any season, any time of year. If you choose blue nails, you may be indecisive. Maybe you’re not sure how you feel or want to feel, so you choose a color that communicates several emotions. You’re a blue sky but also a deep ocean. 


Purple is elegant. It’s dramatic and mysterious — the color of royalty. Light purple is a more delicate version of dark purple, but it still has that enchanting way about it. 

If you choose purple nails, you’re feeling powerful. You’re confident but secretive. You know who you are and are proud to be just that. You’re wise and intuitive and even a little witty. 

You’re a collage of butterflies, neon signs, glitter makeup and stars and moons. 


Black nails have a bit of an unfair stereotype. Thank you to everyone’s middle school goth phase. But, black is an empowering color. It’s bold and sophisticated.

There is also a side of black that is all darkness and death. It’s associated with Halloween and other “scary” things. It’s also the color of being emo, which is just a shortened form of emotion. 

So, black nails may give people a dark and dreary impression of you. It may also tell them that you’re confident and strong. It could even make them think of midnight, black cats and witch hats.  

Browns and Nudes

Brown is a very comforting color. When I think of brown, I think of sipping hot chocolate underneath a fuzzy blanket. I think of warm hugs and cold weather. Brown, to me, is highly comforting. Brown is a color I may pick during Thanksgiving or in the middle of winter. 

Nude shades, on the other hand, are more of a fashion statement. Skin tones have become such a trend, both in cosmetics and clothes. If you’re wearing nude nails, you’re likely trendy, fashionable and chic. You’re one with the times, always up to date on TikTok trends and reality TV show drama. You show people that you’re cool, and you know it.


White is the color of purity. When one thinks of white, they think of cleanliness and innocence. Maybe a bride, or the way the snow covers everything when it falls. 

White nails give the impression that you’re minimalistic. You’re simple in a good way — you’re healthy, hygienic, clean. You take care of yourself, and it shows. 

Shimmers, Glitter, Hailey Bieber nails

Adding a little sparkle to any color tells people that you have something to celebrate. Maybe a holiday, a birthday or a graduation. If you’re not celebrating something, maybe you’re just in need of some pizzazz. You dream of dancing late into the night and painting your eyes with glitter. You want to ride in a limousine, walk the red carpet and sip on some really expensive champagne. You have celebrity-energy, and you own it. 

Nail color is probably something you never thought much of. I’m sorry to say that I’ve probably ruined that for you. 

But, if you think about it, your subconscious was making these color associations for you every time that you picked a nail color. You may have reduced it to instinct or your mood that day, but your brain has these color meanings stored away. 

Color is a complex concept — one that exists in nearly every aspect of life. We all have different colors that we feel more or less connected to. Nail color is just one more way to show the world a piece of yourself.

Dayna Maloney is a fourth-year advertising major at the University of Florida. As an avid reader and writer, Dayna has an undying passion for storytelling. She thrives in any creative setting with a love for books, music, photography, film, and art. Dayna believes in spreading love and inspiring others to be their best and fullest selves.