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The Valentine’s Day I Spent Volunteering Instead of Sulking

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

Until recently, Valentine’s Day was a sore subject for me. 

Sure, it was great when I was young and decorated shoeboxes with hearts and stickers so my classmates could fill it with cards, or when my parents would buy my brother and I chocolate and treats. (One year, my dad got me Grease on DVD, and I thought I was the coolest kid around.) Then, I became a young adult, and I came to the conclusion that Valentine’s Day is about that passionate, romantic love that can make one want to pull their eyes out. No one was leaving me stuffed animals in my locker or having my friends deliver me roses. For those high school years, I would spend Valentine’s Day in a grumpy mood, despising those who seemed to enjoy it. 

However, when I came to UF as a freshman — still a single girl — I learned that community service was the best way to celebrate V-Day.

That year, I joined a service sorority on campus called Delta Nu Zeta. Our organization was founded on the principles of passion, sisterhood and charity. I truly love everything about my sorority, but what I enjoy most is the opportunities it gives me to volunteer around Gainesville. One organization we volunteer with is Hope Lodge, a place where patients undergoing cancer treatments at Shands can stay if they live outside of Gainesville. As a sorority, we plan and host bingo parties for the residents. Interacting with the people there brightens up the patients’ day as well as our own.

Without realizing it, I had signed up to help with one of these parties on Valentine’s Day. While my “in a relationship” friends were doing their makeup and hair for their dates, I was getting ready to have one of the most impactful experiences of my life. My sisters and I made decorations and silly hats for our party at Hope Lodge. When we walked in to set up, all the residents smiled. They were so excited to play a simple game of bingo with us. As the rounds of bingo passed, we all got more competitive. One resident asked for ten bingo cards so he could increase his chances of winning! Our party lasted about two hours, and everyone had a great time.

Valentine’s Day is all about love, and there was certainly no shortage of love at Hope Lodge. Since it was a holiday, many of the patients’ families were visiting and joined in on the party. Despite the tough conditions these people were in, they were happy to just be with each other. One couple in particular stole my heart. A female patient who looked to be in her thirties sat at a table with her husband the whole night. They held hands, laughed at our bad jokes, and just enjoyed being with each other. I can confidently say that they were one of the most in-love couples I have ever seen in real life, and I hope one day, far in the future, I will find a relationship like that.

Volunteering on Valentine’s Day showed me what love was all about. There doesn’t have to be any fancy dinners or elaborate gifts. All you need is love, and that can come from your family, friends, or complete strangers. For this Valentine’s Day, I encourage everyone to skip the overpriced meal and help those who need it, no matter if you are single or in a relationship. (And can I just add, spending the day volunteering with your S.O. would be #relationshipgoals!)

Courtney is a freshman majoring in History with a minor in Dance. This is her first semester writing for Her Campus UFL and she's so excited to have this opportunity! Courtney enjoys reading Jane Austen classics, traveling to new places all over the globe, and eating maybe too much Ben and Jerry's ice cream. She's a sister of Delta Nu Zeta, a service sorority on campus, and loves being able to help the community and grow as a proud member of the Gator Nation!