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Text Kitten: Books on the Big Screen

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

In tribute to the recent release of The Hunger Games movie, (which was awesome!) this week we’ll be scouting out a brief list of some of the best and worst book to movie adaptations.

Worst – avoid these!
I have no shame in admitting that I have been fan of the books since they first came out in 2005. However, I will also be the first to say that the movies were a bit of the flop. Granted, I’ve fan-girled over each new release, but every subsequent viewing is filled with laughter at how cheesy the script was and Kristen Stewart’s lack of expression. The actors are good in everything but Twilight.
The Princess Diaries
Before you start throwing things at me, let me say this: the movie by itself is quite lovely. I adored Anne Hathaway as the dorky princess who all can relate to in some way. However, it was completely different from the actual books.
Eragon/ Series of Unfortunate Event/ Golden Compass
Unfortunate flops. They had potential, but the scripts and acting just didn’t work out.

Best – watch immediately!
To Kill a Mocking Bird
Gregory Peck represented a wonderful Atticus Finch. This 1962 adaptation even won three Oscars. The day Hollywood tries to do a remake is when they have an angry mob descend on them.
The Great Gatsby
Now, I’m quite partial to the Robert Redford version – no explanation needed – but a new version has been green lighted featuring Leonardo DiCaprio and Cary Mulligan. Eyes of Gatsby fans everywhere will be watching to see if the new version will live up to the American Dream.
Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings
Both have massive fan bases. Both took special effects to a new level. Both had sweeping success!
Anything by the BBC
There’s no question that if you’re looking for any classic adaptation, then PBS/BBC is where to turn. Check out Wuthering Heights (Tom Hardy as Heathcliff? Yes, please), Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, David Copperfield (featuring a young Dan Radcliffe!), Sherlock, orRoom with a View. All of their features are very close to the book. Most are often found in multiple episodes to account for the length.
What’s your favorite film adaptation of a book?