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Reasons You Don’t Need a Boyfriend This Fall

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

As the temperatures (finally) start to (kind of) drop in Florida, it’s hard to avoid the desire to cuddle with someone when it’s chilly out. But since when did low temperatures make us completely dependent on the opposite sex? Humans have survived through eons of time in harsh winters and thick snow, we have conquered mammoths and over-protective mothers, we are educated and we are beautiful. So why do we feel the need to resort to the arms of a man when it gets below 60 degrees? Is it the survival instinct innate to us that draws us to their hairy arms and their burly beards? Yeah, probably not. We probably are just feeling extra lonely and sorry for ourselves because when Bridget Jones’ Diary comes on the television (or more realistically our Netflix account), we feel the need to cuddle up to someone who is warm, gives us kisses and is preferably human (because your cat probably doesn’t count).

Even though it sounds nice to bring home a cute boy to our parents or to receive a romantic gift on our respective holidays, this is not a necessity for this seasons. The truth is that commercial broadcasting and Hallmark cards have brainwashed us into thinking that being single for the holidays equates with being lonely. Here are a few reasons you don’t need a boy toy to stay happy (and warm) during these cooler months.

You don’t need a boy to give you his hoodie.
Okay, it probably smells like Ralph Lauren or Axe or something else that is reminiscent of the first boy we kissed in middle school. Although that feels cozy, it shouldn’t feel necessary. A boy giving you his hoodie has weirdly become a romantic symbol for our generation and is seen as a true gesture of “commitment.” Uh… no? I’m sorry, but even if you did have a boy, he is probably giving you the hoodie that looks weird with his hair or has a weird stain on the back. Don’t be so flattered, and more importantly, don’t feel so left out if you don’t have one to wear. You’re much better off with the pea coat you got for 50 percent off at Target that looks exactly like the one on Brandy Melville’s website. And most likely, it keeps you warmer and matches your teal infinity scarf way better. You don’t need a boy to steal his clothes — that’s what holiday gift money is for.

You don’t need someone to cuddle you at night.
Maybe when the temperature drops, your bedroom gets drafty and your embroidered fleece blanket does not keep you as warm as you’d prefer. So what is it that makes you think that a living human male will solve this problem? If this boy even existed, he would take up more than half of your bed, he would hold you in a weird angle that would make your neck sore, and he’d probably snore unreasonably loud. Do you need this in your life? Absolutely not. Go to any local home goods store, purchase a body pillow, make sure that your heat is on during the night, and you will no longer find a reason to desire a male snuggle buddy at night. This also saves you from the inevitable awkward encounter of kicking them out in the morning when you want to get on with your day.

You don’t need that Tiffany & Co. necklace.
It’s shiny and silver and it feels smooth and lavish between your fingers. This could be describing the Tiffany & Co. necklace your boyfriend gives you, or it could easily be your house key that you use to enter your home; it’s all about perspective. Sure, having a boyfriend during the fall or winter might give you a little perk of receiving a nice gift and something to show off to your friends. But doesn’t it sound a little more fun to drink wine with your besties and online shop for items you can’t actually afford? Save yourself the heartache and start a nice, stable relationship with the online shopping cart on your favorite website.

Boyfriends are nice. They smell good sometimes, they do sweet gestures, and they can make you feel like a princess. But being single has its perks, too. Single girls can go through the fall and winter seasons just as smoothly as long as they have their trusted best friends and body pillows. Don’t be sad that you may not have a boy to kiss under the mistletoe, because who knows who will show up with champagne on New Year’s Eve?

Photo credit: littlemissidooo.blogspot.com

Hi, I'm Jenna and I'm currently attending the University of Florida as a Finance major with a specialization in Pre-Law, and minors in Entrepreneurship and Mass Communications. I grew up wanting to be a Carrie, but I know I'm going to end up as a Miranda. Interests include melted cheese, pink blazers, and fluffy puppy pictures on Pinterest.