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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

In an era where political polarization seems to have reached its zenith, love stories that defy the odds stand out even more. Varying ideologies can strain even the strongest relationships.

From heated dinner table debates to fundamental disagreements about core values, maintaining a loving relationship amidst political disparity is no easy feat. Yet, with understanding, respect, and communication, it’s possible for relationships to transcend politics.

In my personal life, I have seen first-hand how couples agree to never discuss politics with each other as a means to avoid arguments.

However, not every relationship can or should navigate political divides using a “no-politics” rule. When political decisions have real-world implications for everyday life, from taxes to immigration policy, avoidance might not be the ideal strategy.

So, what then? If your romantic partner’s political views ignite a flame of disagreement in you, how can you cultivate and maintain a healthy relationship?

I’ve encountered these questions in my own relationship, and here are some ways to navigate this challenge:

1. The Emotional Core of Political Beliefs

At the heart of every political stance lies a deeply personal set of experiences, fears, and hopes. Recognizing and empathizing with the emotional core of your partner’s beliefs can create a foundation of understanding, even in the face of disagreement.

2. Shared Values

It’s essential to have frequent conversations about core values. While on the surface, you might disagree on a political topic, there might be underlying shared beliefs that simply manifest differently in the political realm.

3. Detailed Boundaries

Avoid vague rules. Instead of just saying, “No politics during dinner,” try specifics like “Let’s discuss issues only when we both agree we’re in the right frame of mind,” or “If one of us feels overwhelmed, we pause and pick it up later.”

4. The Power of Curiosity

Challenge yourself to approach disagreements with genuine curiosity. Instead of seeing a debate as a contest, view it as an opportunity to discover more about your partner’s world.

5. The Beauty in Diversity

Every difference in viewpoint offers a fresh perspective, broadening one’s horizon. These differences can enrich your relationship if approached positively, making it resilient.

6. Love’s Balancing Act

While asserting one’s viewpoint is natural, striking a balance is crucial. Knowing when to express yourself and when to prioritize your partner’s feelings can save many unnecessary conflicts.

7. Shared Activities

Beyond hobbies, explore activities that challenge both of you. Attend workshops, lectures, or groups that prompt both of you to grow and understand various perspectives together.

8. Professional Guidance

Think of couples therapy as an investment, not a last resort. Therapists can offer insights, communication strategies, and coping mechanisms tailored to your unique dynamics. There is often stigmas surrounding seeking professional help when it comes to relationships; however, research shows that couples therapy positively impacts 70% of those receiving treatment.

9. Media Consumption

Being informed is essential, but it’s equally crucial to ensure the quality of information. Be wary of widespread fake news and heavily biased websites. Curate your sources, limit exposure to overly sensationalized content and occasionally explore neutral or opposing outlets to foster understanding.

10. Embracing the Evolution of Relationships

Every relationship evolves. Remembering that political landscapes and personal beliefs can change over time is important. Committing to grow together, rather than apart, amidst these changes, solidifies the foundation of a relationship.

Facing the challenges of a politically diverse relationship can indeed be an overwhelming process, but it’s also an opportunity for growth and deepened understanding. Such relationships, challenging as they might be, serve as a testament to the enduring power of love that can defy political boundaries.

I am a second-year English and Political Science major at UF. I hope to inspire readers by writing and providing useful information. I love to read fiction and write about current events.