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Keeping Your Cool During Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

Final exams are approaching, and the only thing on your mind is the sleepless nights that await you. But those sleepless nights you planned on having can be avoided if you follow these steps to ensure a great week of studying. (Yes, it’s possible).

1.     Don’t procrastinate 
You’re probably used to cramming for an exam the night before you’re supposed to take it. This means that you run on little energy the day of, and you look like a mess with the don’t-talk-to-me vibe you give off. Overwhelming yourself takes a toll on you physically and mentally. However, there’s no need to make yourself feel and appear sluggish on the day of an exam if you make the smart decision of studying in advance. 
Start studying about one to two weeks before the exam dates, and study your notes for about two hours each day. Besides, if you give yourself enough study time, you’ll be able to look over your notes over and over again, allowing you to retain the information better. So when you see that physics question about velocity and acceleration on the exam, you’ll answer it with more confidence than the students around you who only studied eight hours before.

2.     Reward yourself
Set a goal for yourself, such as studying every day for a week, and reward yourself after you do so.  This will make you feel less anxious about taking your exams because you know you’ll have something to look forward to after a week’s worth of studying. Treat yourself to a mini-shopping spree after the countless hours you will spend at the library this week. After all, who can say no to a new pair of heels? Plus, the more you study, the better grades you are likely to get on your final exams, and that is the sweetest reward.

3.     Eat healthy
 It’s time to switch up those TV dinners for baked chicken and vegetables. Eating healthy will keep you more focused and alert, and this is important when you’re studying for hours at a time. If you eat a lot of junk food prior to studying, it’ll give you energy for a short period and will make you feel restless afterward. Drinking coffee and energy drinks will keep you up all night, so lay off of those if you want a good night’s sleep.
Most of all, eat breakfast. Yes, it is the most important meal of the day. If you skip breakfast, your body will run low on fuel for the day, and it’s important that you have the energy when studying your exam notes. A healthy breakfast can include a bowl of whole-grain cereal, a fruit and a glass of milk. It’s also important to snack throughout the day to keep your brain and body fueled. And no, I don’t mean indulging in the sugar cookies sitting in your pantry. Ditch them for apples with peanut butter or a fruit and yogurt parfait.
4. Get a good night’s rest
 It’s important that you get anywhere from seven to nine hours of sleep each night so that you can perform your best the next day. It’ll also be easier to retain information from your notes if you get a good night’s rest, which means you’re likely to do better on the exam.
You probably sleep four hours each night thanks to the overwhelming amount of homework assignments and readings your professors assign. But you can try your best to squeeze in a little more sleeping time by limiting the amount of time you spend on Facebook and watching your favorite shows. You can make up missed shows, but you can’t make up failed exams. So make sure you have many good nights before your exams. With all the Zs you’ll be catching, there’s no doubt you’ll pass all of them.

Hola! My name is Victoria and it is a pleasure to meet you. I was born and raised in Key West, Fla. Surprisingly; people do actually live there. I'm a fourth year journalism student at the University of Florida, and I am obsessed with food. I watch ungodly amounts of the Food Network. I love to dance, write and swim to my hearts content. I don't know what I would do without my Crackberry and listening to the Silversun Pickups makes me sane.