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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

You are lucky if you get a full eight hours of sleep as a college student. In fact, you are lucky if you get any sleep at all. Although this isn’t healthy, all-nighters are far too common. Here are a few tips to help you look extra awake in the morning: 

  1. If you have some time in the morning, put some cold tea bags on your closed eyes and relax for a few minutes. This will help reduce the puffiness that comes with lack of sleep!
  2. Continue by tackling the under-eye circles. A creamy pink or salmon concealer will counteract the grey-blue undertones and brighten up your entire face. 
  3. Apply a white or shimmery champagne eye shadow to the inner most corners of your eyes to brighten them. This tiny detail makes a huge difference!
  4. Apply mascara. A great one to try is Maybelline’s Full and Soft mascara. It will make your eyes look bigger without the stiffness and clumping of other mascaras.

It’s good to fake it for a few days, but go get some sleep!