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City Commission Seat up for Grabs Tuesday

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

With the election session in full swing, it’s important to be aware of elections in our own cities and districts. While many citizens value elections and their votes in the presidential and governmental elections, there is much less emphasis on local smaller-scale elections. 

On Tuesday, Nov. 16th, Gainesville will be holding elections for City Commissioner. As Gainesville is our home, it is critical to be aware of the candidates, their platforms, and what the job entails. Polling locations are open from 7 a.m. through 7 p.m. on Election Day.

Overall, the Gainesville City Commission is responsible for the people of Gainesville, which includes forming a budget, establishing a millage rate and granting approval for ordinances and resolutions. 

Five candidates are running for Gainesville city commissioner: Cynthia Moore Chestnut, Scherwin L. Henry, Matt Howland, Patrick O. Ingle and Gabe H. Kaimowitz. 

Cynthia Moore Chesnut was the first African American woman on the Gainesville City Commission. She is running this year, aspiring to stabilize and increase confidence in the local government. Cynthia plans on helping businesses incentivize employees to get vaccinated or implementing weekly COVID-19 testing to ensure that all employees feel safe at work. When Gainesville City Commissioner Gail Johnson stepped down, she endorsed candidate Cynthia Chesnut to replace her. 

 Scherwin L. Henry is also a former District 1 city commissioner and a retired University of Florida biology scientist. Henry plans on repairing the chaos in the Gainesville City Hall and hopes to support local business and boost Gainesville’s economy. 

Matt Howland is a young public school teacher, committed to a career in public service. He wishes to replace rising utility rates with solar energy. Howland is also passionate about responsible development, safer streets and nature preservation. 

Patrick O. Ingle is a retired computer software and hardware engineer who currently is an uber driver. Ingle is running with goals to ensure affordable housing in Gainesville and protect restaurant worker employment as well as the employment of workers affected by the pandemics. Ingle values personal communication and feedback and enjoys listening and engaging with the people of Gainesville.

Gabe H. Kaimowitz is a disbarred attorney and former commission candidate as he ran against Commissioner Gail Johnson in the previous election.

Happy voting!

Adina Hirsch is a senior at the University of Florida. She is studying economics and psychology in hopes to attend law school to become a public defender. Adina is passionate about cold brew coffee, juvenile justice, and new experiences.