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Exercise Experiment: Walk it Out

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

It’s been quite some time since I’ve given a new exercise a try! Luckily for all of you, in the midst of my new obsession with power yoga and my persistence to get back into running shape, I found an easy way to get a great work in at any time of the day.
The title says it all, really. Yes, the exercise experiment for this week is walking!

This simple, straightforward method of exercise is something that people often overlook – perhaps because they’re fearful that doing so will not result in a good enough workout. However, walking has great health benefits for your body and soul!
Medicinenet.com notes eight top reasons to walk:

  1. Walking prevents type 2 diabetes.
  2. Walking strengthens your heart.
  3. Walking is good for your brain.
  4. Walking is good for your bones.
  5. Walking helps alleviate symptoms of depression.
  6. Walking reduces the risk of breast and colon cancer.
  7. Walking improves fitness.
  8. Walking improves physical function.

To be honest, I stumbled upon walking by accident. I was actually supposed to run home from the gym one afternoon, but I was far too tired by the end of my workout to run the uphill battle that was required of me to get home. So, I started walking – what else could I do?
I didn’t walk too fast or too slow, but rather at a moderate pace that my body was comfortable with. My steps were calculated and deliberate, but relaxing. And two miles later, I was feeling great when I got home! There was something invigorating about enjoying the fresh air, listening to the music blasting through my headphones and thinking through everything buzzing in my mind at that moment in time … all while exercising.
This afternoon walk made me realize that I don’t have to push myself to run three miles every day to still feel like I’m working out enough. Because walking is exercise! And it’s good exercise.
According to caloriecount.com, if you walk for an hour at a moderate pace (about 3.0 mph) on a firm surface, you can burn around 225 calories. 
It’s so reassuring to know that I can lace up my tennis shoes, throw on shorts and a T-shirt and head outside at any time of the day to enjoy a soothing walk. It’s so relaxing! You can breathe, you can think and you can enjoy – what’s not to love?
Best of all, walking can be done anywhere, at any time of the day, with anyone! So what are you waiting for?
Grab your roommate, your best friend or your significant other, put on some workout gear and plan yourself a morning, afternoon or evening walk. With fall in the air and Halloween smells lingering all around, it’s time to get outside and enjoy the fresh air! 

Sara Kaner was born and raised in Santa Barbara, California and first fell in love with journalism as a freshman in high school thanks to her wonderful Intro to Journalism teacher. A family move brought her to Fort Myers, Florida the summer after her freshman year of high school, but she continued to pursue an interest in journalism. She is in her second year at the University of Florida and is pursuing a dual degree in Public Relations and Psychology. She is heavily involved on the UF campus and dedicates most of her time to her various organizations and to her friends. She loves people, magazines, sports and social media, and she hopes to combine all three in her job someday. For now, she aspires to attend Law School and specialize in Media Law. She secretly aspires to be Chelsea Handler, but she's happy being herself for the moment, just as long as she can lose the freshman 15 this semester.