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Exercise Experiment: De-Stressing During Finals with Fitness Fun

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

The dreaded end of the semester is drawing near and you know what that means – endless final papers, projects and exams! In three short weeks we’ll be free from the burden of fall semester, but first we must power through these long, last days.
This week, I’ve forgone my usual tradition of providing you all with a little exercise experiment of my own and some encourage to try it out for yourself in favor or sharing with you all some of my favorite total body exercises that can be done anywhere. I’m hoping that you’ll take a break from your busy-end-of semester schedules and fit some fitness in your day! And the best part is that all of these workouts can be done anywhere, at any time of the day.
            Check them out for yourself:

  1. Sit-Ups: Last post I offered you all some great abs alternatives, but this week I’m keeping it short and simple. Sit-ups are easy to do and relatively painless. In between your energy drinks, coffees and your candy bars, head to the floor for some simple up and down sit-ups to get your abs working and your body moving.
  2. Push-Ups: These can be done in a myriad of ways, but I think the best push-up possibility is a chair push-up in which you put your body to the back of a chair, place your hands on the seat and move you body up and down with the strength of your arms. It sounds a lot more complicated than it actually is, and it’s a great arm workout!
  3. Lunges: Extend one leg forward, extend the other leg backward and crouch down in one fluid motion. Switch your legs and repeat. The movement is strenuous on your caves and thighs, and the more lunges that you do, the better the burn you’ll feel up and down your legs.
  4. Jumping Jacks: You may feel silly jumping up and down in the middle of the library, but jumping jacks are one of the best ways to get some quick cardio in on a busy day. I like to do five quick sets of ten jumping jacks, take a moment to rest and then do another round.
  5. Squats: This is another great way to exercise your legs! I find that the best way to do squats is by focusing your eyes on something directly in front of you, and then starring at that spot all the while moving your legs up and down, making sure to squat down a significant distance. For an added challenge, trying doing a wall squat! Push your bottom up against a wall and hold your body in a squatting position for as long as possible – I also aim for a one minute goal and then continue holding it past that time if I find that I can.
  6. Stretches: After you’ve completed the above five exercises, make sure to save some time for stretching! Stretch our your arms, your legs, your neck and your back. Doing so will make your body feel better the next morning and help get your mind back into study mode!

So what are you waiting for? As you read this from the confines of the library or your favorite place to study, put your work on pause, get up from your seat, get your blood flowing, take your mind away from all that you have left to do and just enjoy being in motion. Your stress level will drop, your body will feel rejuvenated and your mind will feel ready to tackle the rest of the long night ahead!

Sara Kaner was born and raised in Santa Barbara, California and first fell in love with journalism as a freshman in high school thanks to her wonderful Intro to Journalism teacher. A family move brought her to Fort Myers, Florida the summer after her freshman year of high school, but she continued to pursue an interest in journalism. She is in her second year at the University of Florida and is pursuing a dual degree in Public Relations and Psychology. She is heavily involved on the UF campus and dedicates most of her time to her various organizations and to her friends. She loves people, magazines, sports and social media, and she hopes to combine all three in her job someday. For now, she aspires to attend Law School and specialize in Media Law. She secretly aspires to be Chelsea Handler, but she's happy being herself for the moment, just as long as she can lose the freshman 15 this semester.