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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

Content Warning: Sexual Assault & Murder

It’s what we are taught from a young age as women. It’s what we are reminded of when we are walking alone and see a man behind us causing our hearts to beat a little faster. Women are not ever completely safe walking by themselves and may never be. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and it is more important than ever to stress the dangers of women who walk alone, especially at night. On March 3, in South London, England, Sarah Everard went missing as she walked home from a friend’s house at around 9 p.m. She did everything right. Walked on the main road and was even on the phone with her boyfriend for 15 minutes. On March 10, her remains were found, and a Metropolitan Police constable was arrested for kidnapping and murder. The tragedy that occurred just a few weeks ago is just one of the many constant reminders of the dangers women face even in the 21st century just being a woman. In 2014, Gallup’s annual crime survey found that 45% of women do not feel safe walking alone at night near their home, compared with 27% of men. Additionally, research done by YouGov, a British market research company, has shown that women are at least twice as likely to always feel unsafe going to a stranger’s house alone, going to a foreign country alone or getting a taxi or ride-share by themselves. We as women always have to be looking over our shoulders due to the world we live in.

However, Sarah’s story and these statistics are not meant to terrify you into never going out again. They are there to make sure women know the facts and are not left vulnerable. For hundreds of years, women were characterized as passive, quiet and feeble, unable to take care of themselves. Some women still even see themselves as such because the very ideology has been woven into the foundation of society for so long. In the past 100 years, giant leaps have been made in terms of equal rights and letting women’s voices be heard; nonetheless, women are victimized far more often than men. But what if we started teaching women and young girls that they are not feeble, they are not quiet and they can take care of themselves. The world is a scary place, and there will always be dangers, especially for women. Yet, with the right tools and the right mindset, we can make that world just a little less scary.

First and foremost, we as women must find our voice. I’m not talking about making a social media post once and a while about an issue you’re passionate about. I’m talking about telling that creep who’s following you to back up. I’m talking about saying no when a guy at a party asks you if you want a new drink. I’m even talking about telling that person who interrupted you in class, “No, I was speaking.” Women who stand up for themselves are not easy targets

Additionally, make sure you are always aware of your surroundings. If you’re walking across campus at night and you notice that there is no one around, get to a well-lit area where there are other people. If you feel like someone is following you, pop into the nearest store or building or phone a friend. It also doesn’t hurt to have pepper spray on your key ring. Here is the one I use which you can purchase from Amazon. If you are uncomfortable carrying around pepper spray, there are also personal alarms that will emit a deafening noise at the push of a button. By taking preventative measures, you can keep yourself safe. Make sure you’re watching out for your friends, too. Give that friend a ride home, even if she says she’s only just going around the corner. As women, we need to be looking out for one another more than ever.

This article is not meant to scare you, but rather inform you of the risks out there, while also reminding you that women are powerful and are not to be victimized. Staying safe does not mean accepting a status of helplessness, but rather actively being diligent in an unknown world.


Sophia is a Psychology and Criminology major at the Unversity of Florida. She loves to read, go on hikes, eat with friends and meet new people. Sophia is excited to be writing for Her Campus this year and cannot wait to share her passion and interests with the community!