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Edwin Velazquez Jr.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

Age: 19
Relationship status: Single
Hometown: Lake Placid, FL
Favorite thing to do for fun: “I like to go out dancing. I prefer Salsa and Bachata music to dance to.”
Hobbies: Basketball, personal fitness and clubbing
Favorite quote: “Your body is a piece of art waiting to be sculpted, so start sculpting.”
Favorite food: Spaghetti
Favorite place to hang out in Gainesville: Gator Corner Dining Center
One dream vacation destination: Paris
Dream job: Personal fitness trainer for athletes
Favorite thing about coming to UF: his new friends
One thing he looks for in a girl: “Personality is everything — and then eyes.”
Idea of your perfect date: “We meet up, and then go out dancing at Kava Lounge. After, grab some Munchies 420 and talk about life.”
Number one song on his iPod: “Blow Me Away” by Breaking Benjamin
Goals for this year: “Continue working security downtown and reach my personal fitness goals.”
Any celebrities he thinks he looks like?: “I’ve been told I look like a Ricky Martin.”
If he could be anyone for a day, who would he be?: “Superman. He’s my idol. Every girl needs a Superman sometime in her life.”
His reaction when asked to be a Campus Cutie?: “Haha! Is this serious?”