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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

For years, I have struggled with severe acne.

Whenever I try out new products to cure it or even help prevent it, nothing ever works.

I have been to multiple dermatologists, tried various types of pills and dosages and tried every cream and ointment.

My struggle with acne has been utterly frustrating and defeating. 

If you watch YouTube, I’m sure you’ve seen many YouTubers are sponsored by Curology.

Most of these YouTubers don’t even have acne, which can be frustrating. 

They can go to the best dermatologists and buy the best skincare products.

It’s hard to trust sponsorships because the individual raving about the product is being paid to do so. However, oddly enough, that’s one of the few forms of advertisement Curology uses. 

After years of trying almost every product on the market, I decided to bite the bullet and try out the ever so popular Curology myself.

I was skeptical, thinking it would be another product that yet again did not help my skin. 

I had to fill out a survey about my skin before I could order my first bottle.

This is because Curology concocts a specific formula tailored to your skin type and needs, and everyone’s formula is different.

I listed all the medication and products that have failed to work for me, or how they made my skin change.

The dermatologists from Curology then took that information and chose the ingredients that best suited my skin and created my formula and shipped it to me.

When I first used the product, I was pleasantly surprised at how nice the texture and consistency the cream was.

It’s moisturizing without leaving your skin oily, and easy to rub into the skin.

There’s no smell, and one pump perfectly covers all areas of your face.

I applied Curology only at night, as per the instructions, and then applied my moisturizer.

It took only two months for me to see results.

Although my skin was still on its journey of recovery, Curology turned my once inflamed breakouts into flat red marks on my skin.

Within the next few months, those marks were gone, and my complexion was even and dare I say clear.

Now, my skin isn’t perfect. It isn’t a magic product that made me have no pores and never breakout. However, this product truly is worth it — it works.

I can now leave the house without makeup confidently, and when I put on my makeup, I’m not insecure about my dry skin or texture. 

Curology fixed those issues. 

It was the summer of 2018 when I ordered my first bottle of Curology, and I haven’t stopped using it since.

It has been the one and only product that has not cured my acne completely, but has stopped the cystic, active, and consistent breakouts that no other product never seemed to fix.

If you struggle with frustrating breakouts, then try Curology. It could be the product that finally works. 

Journalism major at the University of Florida.