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Dishes ‘n’ DIYs: You’ll Be Jelly of This PB&J Smoothie

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

Our favorite childhood sandwich is making a comeback in liquid form, collegiettes! This smoothie is sure to brighten your stressful day—hey, maybe even week—with its delectable combination of the best flavor pairing since the ’90s. Coming in at less than 250 calories per serving, this smoothie cuts out all the sugar and carbs of the sandwich without cutting out the refreshing taste.

Let me just express my love for peanut butter for a moment. Peanut butter is not only amazing, but the amount of protein in it will also keep you feeling full for hours. Although it does have fat, it’s the good fat (yes, there is such a thing as good fat). Along with nutrients such as potassium and fiber, peanut butter has monounsaturated fat, which is actually necessary for heart health, weight loss and a healthy body. You can never ever have too much peanut butter; anyone who tells you otherwise is, quite frankly, wrong.


What you’ll need:– 1 cup non-fat milk- 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt- 2 tablespoons creamy peanut butter- 1 cup frozen berries (any type of berries depending on what flavor jelly you like)- 1 cup ice- 1/4 teaspoon Stevia (or any other sugar substitute)

How to make it:1. Place the ice, milk and Greek yogurt in a normal blender, and mix it until smooth.2. Blend in peanut butter, Stevia and berries into the mixture, and process it until a completely smooth and even texture is reached.3. Pour into a glass and enjoy!

Quick and easy to make, this recipe will produce about three cups. It’s great to make on the go or as a healthy snack full of delicious vitamins and nutrients that will be sure to give you the energy you need to start your day. If you’re looking to make this smoothie before or after a workout and want even more protein, feel free to add in a scoop of vanilla whey protein. Get mixing, collegiettes!

Photo credit: www.frugalnutrition.com