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Dishes ‘n’ DIYs: Create Your Own Snow Globe

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

December has finally arrived, and with that comes the holidays. I have always pictured my holidays set against the backdrop of snow and cold weather. Unfortunately, I live in Florida. As we Floridian collegiettes know, the weather never turns cold enough to bring us that beautiful, white blanket of snow and those cold holidays we see in the movies.

Though I don’t know how to bring snow to Florida, there is a way of bringing some snowy fun for the holidays in the form of a snow globe. Snow globes are beautiful decorations that are actually quite simple to create.


  • Clear jar with no designs
  • Water
  • Centerpiece for the jar
  • Waterproof superglue
  • Glycerin
  • Fake snow/glitter

1. First, gather the centerpiece for your jar. This will be the object that sits in the middle of your snow globe. You can use any object as a centerpiece, as long as it’s waterproof. Because the holidays are approaching, maybe visit your local craft store to pick up a plastic figurine that represents the holidays for you. Ingrid at nowathomemom.com uses ornaments for her centerpieces. You could also possibly use photographs in a waterproof frame.

2. Once you have found a centerpiece for your snow globe, it is time to glue it down. Unscrew the lid from the jar and glue your centerpiece to the bottom of the lid, then allow it to dry.

3. Take the jar and fill it with water. Try to fill the jar up to the point where there is about half of an inch of air space left. You want enough air so that the snow globe can be shaken. Don’t forget that the water level will rise once the centerpiece is submerged in the water.

4. Add the fake snow to the water. Instead of fake snow, glitter can also be used. White glitter looks similar to fake snow and has more sparkle if you would rather avoid having to buy the fake snow. Add a few drops of glycerin to the water to make the snow or glitter flow slowly through the water. You could also add some food coloring to the water if you want to get a little bit more creative.

5. Now it is time to add the centerpiece to the globe. To do this, first place super glue on the inside rim of the lid. Then, screw the lid back on to the jar.  Allow for the glue to dry and then flip the jar over so that the lid becomes the bottom of the jar. The snow globe is finished!

I love this craft because it is incredibly simple and customizable. You can use whatever you like as a centerpiece, and you can even decorate the outside of the jar if you so choose. These snow globes are cute, simple and affordable decorations that are perfect for the upcoming season. Happy holidays, ladies!

Photo Credit: Ingrid at nowathomemom.com

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