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The Bite Host Andrea Newport-Jones

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

Name: Andrea Newport-Jones

Age: 21

Year: junior

Major: telecommunication

Her Campus: How would you describe your role as host of The Bite?

Andrea Newport-Jones: “The Bite is a UF student-produced entertainment show. We write and create all the content and post it on our very own YouTube page. My role as host is to come up with relative topics on anything pop culture. During taping we make commentary and mix our traditional news telling with some sass.”

HC: How and when did you get involved with The Bite?

AN: “I started last fall with the very first production of The Bite. It was the first time ChomPics did something like this, so I was super excited to come aboard. The executive producers felt confident in me leading their team so I became one of the five hosts.”

HC: How and when did you become the host?

AN: “I became the host right from the beginning. It was all kind of preliminary at first. No one had a firm idea of how the show would run, but as time progressed the hosts found their groove. I learned to love it and auditioned in the spring for the first ever auditions.”

HC: What is the craziest or most unique story you had to report for The Bite?

AN: “All the wild antics of celebrities gets pretty crazy. But talking about the Kardashians always gets us hosts in trouble. So definitely when Kim released her Paper Magazine spread, we all had strong opinions on set and things got heated.”

HC: What has been the most challenging part about being the host?

AN: “Juggling time. Trying to find time to dedicate and still being an involved student can be challenging, but I’ve learned to value what you love. It’s about prioritizing and finding time to grow in the field you truly have a passion for.”

HC: Do you think being the host of The Bite will help you in the future?

AN: “I hope so! My dream, like any other news girl out there, is to make it big in the entertainment world. But I definitely feel more prepared when shooting what I love to tape. I learned how to improvise, share screen time, listen to producers and be open.”

HC: What advice would you give to people who would like to get involved with The Bite and maybe eventually be the host?

AN: “I would say learn to be light-hearted. Be 100 percent authentic and have a true passion for it. Too many times I’ve seen people who are too serious and don’t love what they do. When it comes to entertainment, people don’t want to see your hard-news face. Learn to laugh at yourself and roll with the punches, but also be informed about your subject, which comes with being passionate. I think that would be my best advice.”

HC: Is there anything else you would like to add?

AN: “The Bite is literally made up of a group of friends who love pop culture. We all have minor obsessions and are a bit too enthused about celebrities, but that’s what makes it so great. We really care about this show, and we hope everyone sees that!”