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All for Fall: 5 Fall Trends We All Know & Love

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

I don’t know about you, but I am all for fall. As the air becomes more brisk and the weather changes, so will your wardrobe. The summery sundresses are replaced with oversized sweaters and leggings. Although Florida’s weather doesn’t allow the full seasonal change we all dream of, we still use this time as an excuse to bring out our fall favorites. Here are mine:

1. Sweaters Not only are sweaters super cute, but also they’re a must-have item for fall. Opt out of wearing one that fits snugly for one with some room to slouch in. It’ll keep you feeling like you’re wrapped in a cozy blanket all day.

2.  Scarves Whether you pair your cute decorative scarf with jeans and a nice top or tights and a skirt, you’re bound to look extremely fashionable regardless. Or just throw one on to pair with a leather jacket…

3. Leather jacket This essential is something that can be paired with just about anything. A real leather jacket is a great item to invest in, but there are plenty of great faux leather jackets out there that will cost you a lot less for the same look.

4. Boots Paired with leggings, jeans, tights or a dress, boots really represent the fall season. They come in tons of colors and styles, so you can go anywhere with your look.  

5. All things pumpkin Although not a fashion statement, pumpkin-flavored treats are undoubtedly the best thing about fall. From the pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks to the pumpkin muffins from Publix, this fall flavor is the highlight of the season.

Dust off all your sweaters, leggings and boots so you can go outside and enjoy the cooler weather, or cozy up with a hot pumpkin-flavored coffee to catch up with your favorite show on Netflix. The choice is yours, collegiettes™! 


Photo credit:www.collegefashion.net