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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

Ever wondered how Artificial Intelligence (AI) could be your sidekick in making the world a better place? Beyond the tech jargon, AI is a great tool with the power to create positive ripples.

In the fast-paced world of technology, AI emerges not just as a technological marvel but as a force for positive change if you use it in the right way! 

Beyond the buzz surrounding its potential misuse, AI holds the key to addressing global challenges. We girls should not only understand the broader impact of AI for good but also explore how we can leverage AI in our daily lives for personal growth:

AI Superpowers

Picture AI as your superhero in healthcare, for example, especially in fighting against diseases such as cancer. It’s not just about detecting diseases early; AI is changing the game in predicting and identifying health issues. 

Imagine using AI to save the buzzing buddies – bees! The World Bee Project and Oracle are teaming up with futuristic tech to understand and protect these essential pollinators. It’s like giving a digital voice to our buzzing friends.

Huawei’s AI applications, like StorySign and Facing Emotions, are breaking down barriers for those with visual and auditory challenges. It’s not just innovation; it’s a step towards inclusivity and world amelioration.

Yes, AI is not just sitting on the sidelines. It’s on the front lines, fighting against climate change. It’s like having a tech superhero helping us understand and tackle the impact of climate change.

In a world where some of our furry friends are in trouble, AI becomes a guardian. It recognizes and tracks endangered animals, tipping the balance in favor of our furry and feathered pals.

Contrary to popular belief, AI is not just a bunch of codes; it’s also helping to fight hunger globally.

Tools like Aequitas and IBM’s AI Fairness 360 are not just combating bias but are also actively contributing to reducing inequalities. It’s AI stepping up for a fairer world.

In the era of misinformation, AI is not just adding to the chaos; it’s helping to clear things up. Detecting and countering fake news, AI is ensuring the accuracy of information.

Ever thought about how AI could help make our cities smarter and safer? The USC Center for Artificial Intelligence in Society is working on just that, like a wizard orchestrating advancements for societal betterment.

Personal Adventure with AI

Now, let’s talk about you, our tech-savvy girls, and how you can use AI to channel your inner superhero.

Having a digital buddy, like ChatGPT, to help you with school projects and presentations can be extremely useful when used with caution. It’s not just about getting things done; it’s about doing them faster and lessening the percentage of errors.

Turn ChatGPT into your brainstorming buddy.

Rather than using it to replace your brain, use AI as a guiding stool serving as stepping stones for your creativity. It’s about exploring ideas and having fun along the way.

In a world where asking questions might feel scary, AI provides a safe space. There’s no judgment; it’s like having a friendly tutor who helps you learn without any fear.

Girls, as you dive into the wonderland of AI, you aren’t just observers; you are the heroes shaping the future. The mix of AI’s impact on the world and its personal applications offers a unique path for you to become not just users but creators and leaders in the realm of Artificial Intelligence.

I am a second-year English and Political Science major at UF. I hope to inspire readers by writing and providing useful information. I love to read fiction and write about current events.