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An Advocate for Education: Vicky Riquelme

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

Every day children in America are falling through the cracks of our education system. An organization at UF is trying to do something about it.

Gators for Educational Equity is a brand new student organization that was founded by Vicky Riquelme to help raise awareness about the issue of educational inequality.

“We want to bring the conversation to UF about an issue that affects everyone,” she said. 

She currently serves as co-president with Michelle Cravez. Riquelme has always been passionate about education. Her personal experiences have shaped her desire to make a difference for others.

“I grew up in a poor neighborhood the Bronx. When I was in elementary school (my family and I) moved to Florida. I noticed a difference in the environment right way. I went from a rough school in a poor neighborhood to a school in a nice neighborhood with manicured grass outside. It was a complete change,” Riquelme said.

The experience that has impacted her the most is her internship with Teach for America. Riquelme worked with the national program over the summer and was able to see how some students are not being provided the same education as others. This outraged Riquelme and it sparked her desire to start her organization.

“We are living in an educational crisis. Something has to be done to make a change” proclaims Riquelme.

She still remembers when she went to a low performing school in Charleston, SC. It was an eye-opening experience for her.

“The teacher told me you can try to help these kids, most of them aren’t going to graduate anyway,” said Riquelme. “I was disturbed and baffled.”

The senior political science major hopes that her organization will help raise awareness about this issue among her fellow peers.

“College students sometimes don’t really realize that we can create change. I believe that change is possible,” she said.

Gators for Education Equity is having its first event this Tuesday. The event is called Stand Up and Preach for Educational Equity at Turlington Plaza.